Dear all,
Im in a similar situation(only more serious) i got my eca for masters+bachelors and they gave me eqvivalant to canadian bachelors
Now while making profile where it asks do u have eca for ur degree i answered yes while putting masters details and also yes while putting bachelors details
In this case i ended up getting points for 2 or more degree which is 119
Meanwhile only bachelors is 112(which is what is proclaimed in my eca)
Now i got a letter of interest from ontario...!!!
Have i filled profile incorrectly ..should i say eca yes for only masters?? Which will lower my score to 405(which is still ok for ONIP)
Hope this explanation is not totally weird and whoever reads understands what im trying to ask
Plsssss help!!!
Im in a similar situation(only more serious) i got my eca for masters+bachelors and they gave me eqvivalant to canadian bachelors
Now while making profile where it asks do u have eca for ur degree i answered yes while putting masters details and also yes while putting bachelors details
In this case i ended up getting points for 2 or more degree which is 119
Meanwhile only bachelors is 112(which is what is proclaimed in my eca)
Now i got a letter of interest from ontario...!!!
Have i filled profile incorrectly ..should i say eca yes for only masters?? Which will lower my score to 405(which is still ok for ONIP)
Hope this explanation is not totally weird and whoever reads understands what im trying to ask
Plsssss help!!!