Don't take it from me. Take it from Skye. CELPIP is a joke!. Don't waste you time and money. Take the IELTS. Even if it means waiting a year to get a date, it's totally worth the wait. IELTs measures your real abilities. CELPIP Measures NOTHING!.
A little background about myself. English is the official language of my country. I have scored upwards of 93rd Percentile on the GRE Verbal, which is 1000 times harder than IELTS or CELPIP (that was even before I started PhD and did a lot more writing). English has never been a problem all my life. In fact, I would argue that my English is better than my math for an Engineering PhD Student. I only took CELPIP because I couldn't find a date soon enough. My first IELTS Test : L7.5 R8.5 S8.5,W7.5 (had some hearing trouble on the listening). I needed an 8 on the listening to get CLB 9. My CELPIP score was L11R12W8S9. How does some one who can read and understand almost perfectly as demonstrated by a score of 11 and 12 on listening and reading only have a writing ability of 8?. Doesn't make any sense. I have seen IELTS score of a few of my friends with similar abilities and you can tell that there is a consistency in all 4 abilities. I wish I had read these forums before signing up for the CELPIP. I have posted a link to performance statistics for the two test for your edification. Just take a look yourself and you will understand what I am getting at. See how the averages for each ability is ridiculously close to each other in the general training test for the IELTs? Yet look at the CELPIP statistics and it tells you the whole story. The numbers are all over the place. Also look at the standard deviations and see how far most people are from a CLB 9 on the CELPIP. How often do you come across someone who reads at level 12 and writes at level 8 (4 whole points down the spectrum)? If Paragon is going to determine one's facility or aptitude with the English language based on a single number, shouldn't it be an average of the scores for each ability? Unless your goal of course is to rip off poor potential immigrants who don't have a choice but to take such exams. I almost feel one does not have any chance at all of scoring a band 9 if one is a non-native speaker or maybe writes for the Wall Street Journal.
Like I said, I wish I had all these statistics before I took the CELPIP test. You are privy to it now. Don't make the mistake I made. TAKE THE IELTS!!!
By the way, I requested a re-evaluation of my Writing. I quite frankly don't think it will change based on the foregoing discussion but will keep you posted all the same.[/QUOT