scylla said:
Incorrect. There are two critieria. You must have enough hours AND you must have worked for at least one full year. Technically the OP does not meet both of these critiera. However I agree that he/she might as well apply and see what happens.
" 'Full-time work' is defined in R87.1(3)(a) as requiring at least 37.5 hours of work per
week. For the Canadian Experience Class full-time equivalence,
or 1,950 hours of paid
employment over a period at least of 12 months will also be considered.
The full-time work experience requirement may be met by the equivalent in part-time
paid work experience, e.g. more than one part-time job held simultaneously or one or P 25 – Canadian Experience Class
2013-01-02 10
more part-time jobs held over the equivalent of one year of full-time work. Experience can
be calculated by adding up the number of weeks of full-time work, i.e. 37.5 hours per
week in one job or a total of at least 37.5 hours per week in more than one job, in one or
more of the NOC categories."
Does this not mean you can have experience from multiple jobs and if so if you are working two jobs , you will have the required hours done before one year and it is considered same as one year of experrience?
reference :