Hi Everyone! I am new to the forum! Its great to meet all of you. I hope to recieve much valuable information here, as a member. Most of all, I look forward to the possibility of networking and friendships. A little about me. I am a 27 year old single male in good health and NO criminal record. I amma 100% born and raised US citizen tired of the economic downfalls, backward social norms, petty discrimination, and superficial elements of American life. I know the crap I just listed previously are everywhere you go...but there is just something a little different about Canada. Something positive and more carefree. The 6 times Ive been I've had a good time. Canada just captivates me. It is fair to say I am immigrating to Canada for quality of life issues, not money issues. I have had many prominent employers over the years, but unfortunately, I only have a high school degree. I have 6-7 years expertise in administrative and customer service only. I am aware we are all in different stages of the Canadian Immigration process. Regardless, It appears Immigration Canada makes it hard as possible to try to relocate there legally. I have been to Toronto recently to look for a job the old fashioned way. There were plenty of employers who felt was resume was sufficient, however once I said I was an "American"....goodbye! lol. I am simply trying to start with a work permit and go from there - but no one can really tell me what particular Canadian Employers are MORE apt to take chances on Immigrants. Someone must know some companies that have a good trek record of assessing immigrants' capabilities from afar, engaging in teleconferencing interviews, and eventually hiring them..OR is it just a matter of pure luck...right time and/or right place when you are doing typical job searching through Canada Visa's website or Workopolis?????? Any feedback, thoughts, opinions, and or experiences are appreciated. THANKS SO MUCH...ALL OF YOU!!!!