Hi All,
Quick Question..
I am in the process of mailing out my application for the passport.
Do you have to send a prepaid return envelope for them to send us the passport?
When you received your citizenship certificate back was it bended? Hoping they don’t bend it.
When i mail it with my application will use those envelope from Canada’s post with sign do not bend.
Anything important i should know?
Does anyone have an idea when passport office will open for walk ins instead of mailing?
Congrats to all those who got their passports.
No, you don't need to include return envelope.
Important things to keep in mind are:
i) go through the checklist to ensure everything is included in the package, application is fully signed with all the required fields filled out.
ii) ensure guarantor has put applicant's name and signed the back of one of the photos.
iii) send it to correct courier/mailing address.
iv) Send it in Canada express post envelope which can take the whole thing without bending.
For citizenship certificate, in order to avoid from being bent:
i) follow suggestion from rajkamalmoahnram.
Alternatively, you can follow the home made solution:
i) have cereal box/card board slightly cut bigger than the certificate itself.
ii) get a clear paper protector (can get that from $ store).
iii) place the cardboard into the clear paper protector, followed by certificate on top of the card board and place a 8x11 paper on top inside the paper protector, put paper clip (only if you have sitting around, otherwise paper protector will keep it together).
iv) you can also write, "Citizenship Certificate" on that white paper along with "Please do not bend" before putting it into paper protector.