thank you for the information.
current addrees- mention on DL
mailing address- i am living right now
so the passport will come on mailing address right ?
can i pick up my passport?
You are confusing the hell out of me LOL
Current address is mentioned on DL but you Live at the
Mailing address? What does that even mean?
anyways you can make your own life easier and just click the button that says your mailing address is the same as your home address and they will just send it to your house, they do not care what address is on your DL just what address you put on the application.
Most people do not update their address ( me included, you just reminded me to go update mine with service Ontario i will do that online right now LOL)
Just simplify it and put your home address as your mailing address and if you mailing address is different from your home address then put the most up to date info in both line and that is what they will process.
Good luck