To qualify, the Sponsor must be able to demonstrate the financial ability to provide for the essential needs of the Sponsored person(s) and any accompanying dependents. This requirement is waived if:
- The person requiring sponsorship is the spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner of the Canadian Sponsor; or
- The person requiring sponsorship is the dependent child of the Canadian Sponsor.
The financial ability requirements do not apply if the Sponsored person is a spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner or a dependent child of the Sponsor.
@Soap: When did you send an application? Once you/your spouse will be processed in Mississauga you will be able to login with Client ID. Later on when process starts in overseas Visa office you/he (don't know who is sponsoring who) will get Aknowlegment of receipt (AOR) and will be able to log on Ecas using Immigration file number and Applicant's details.