I'm in favour of condition 51. I think that it deters some fraud, protects Canadian sponsors, and shouldn't be a problem for genuine relationships. But I agree that it is imperfect and needs to be reexamined.
- Someone on this thread suggested there be an info session for the foreign spouse regarding condition 51 and their rights; I think this is a really good idea. I think this should include information about what to do in the case of abuse, specific information about who to call, what to document, safe spaces in their area, etc. I also think al this information needs to be made available in the native language of the foreign spouse. Language should not be a barrier to such crucial information, especially in Canada.
- On the topic of abuse during condition 51, I don't think removing the condition is the answer, I do think that the way it is dealt with needs to be looked at. (That info session just being a small part of addressing this problem). I'm not the right person to comment further on how this should be changed.
- Though I am also of the opinion that if you move to a country in order to live with your spouse and they turn abusive and the relationship ends as a result you should move back to you country. I'm currently living in my husband's country and even though I have a job here, sense of community, friends, hobbies, etc. I would return to Canada if our relationship fell apart. That being said, if you've been in the country a certain amount of time and established yourself in your new country (work, friends, hobbies, community, etc.) and severed ties in your home country, I think you should be able to stay. (Obviously a system/standard would have to be created to determine eligibility in these cases).
-I also believe that exceptions should be made for people that are in genuine relationships but for certain reasons, like education or work, need to live separately. What if the Canadian spouse is deployed, either spouse works in an industry that requires them to be away for long periods of time, or even spouses that find employment opportunities in different cities, or are admitted to educational institutions in different cities? I think there should be either some clearly outlined exemptions or a body that determines if certain situations require an exemption from the condition. Still on this point I think it would be fair to require the couple to have to continue to prove the genuineness of their relationship during the time they would be living under condition 51.
Condition 51 is good the majority of the time, how we deal with the cases in which it is not good is what should be assessed and changed.