zabaloch said:
The scenario is that I did not score well enough to claim all 16 points in my application. So, I have to re-take the IELTS exam is order to claim all the points. The situation is that the new test date is available only 6 days prior to my application deadline submission to the visa office. Is any one aware if I can apply to the Visa Office using this IELTS exam score and later update the Visa Office with the new score? Also, we are still waiting on our FBI results. Can I send the application without the FBI results and update the visa office later?
if you have applied after 26th June - then you need to submit IELTS report within dead line. If you need 16 points from IELTS to reach 67 mark - then officially you are in danger area but it will take time to VO to look into your file, and that is gray area. I meant, if you take exam in 6 days + 13 days for result; send your result asap and you would be safe.
If you have applied before, 26th June - you can write explanation letter to claim language proficiency & your VO may or may not ask you to write IELTS exam but that would happen in 4-5 months; and if you submit your IELTS in next 3 weeks you are safe.
Please note on of the member, in last week, did not submit few documents for claimed work with in 120 days and sent it later; his case was rejected & VO asked him to re-apply with 60 days.
for FBI report, delay is normal and there won't be any issue if you submit it after deadline, but try to submit asap.