hariranjith said:
Important thing- dont forget to write your category(SW1or2) and noc code on the envelope
as well as correct address
Hi you all!
hariranjith can you please help me?? I have some doubts about mailing application. I am going to send my application through DHL or Fedex (Courier) and within the process of FSW1, therefore i know the mailing address would be:
(My Name)
(My Address)
(My Postal Code)
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Federal Skilled Worker
Centralized Intake Office
Attn.: SW1 -NOC # _ _ _ _
196 George Street
Sydney, NS
B1P 1J3
But here are the questions: 1st) Do i need to print a mailing label with this format and paste it on the envelope or just hand write the noc codes on it??
2nd) Do i have to give this address and indication to the courier, including the NOC numbers? ( I've only worked in two jobs, one of them is in the occupation list)
Thanks in advance!