I submitted our application for spousal sponsorship coming up on two months ago. Meaning I am near step 1 completion (Well, hopefully. It has gone from 1 month processing time to 2 months since I submitted). But I sent in our application a few months after I received my physical. So by the time step 2 starts, my physical will only be valid for another 6 months. I would rather not be required to spend another $500 on a new physical (this process sure isn't cheap) and so I was wondering if calling at some point and requesting an extension or something would help. I read that some times extensions will be given, so I don't know if calling and explaining my situation might help in receiving one. May I ask your opinions? Is the 6 months my physical will be valid by the time step 2 starts enough time? Or will I most definitely be asked to get a new physical? Is there any way to request it be extended? Would a phone call help/hurt?
Thanks for any opinions/ideas you may have.
Thanks for any opinions/ideas you may have.