Hi! Just to share with you my experience...
I applied for my OPEN WORK PERMIT & PRV April 2010 & it started processing July 9,2010. My Work Permit expired NOV.2,2010. I called CIC & asked if I can still renew my Work Permit since I have plans of having a vacation but they said that it's not needed as long as I will come back before the expiration of my Work Permit & I have a valid Re-entry Visa.
I applied for Multiple Entry Visa last August 8,2010 at Buffalo & got it back 1st wk of Sept. w/c is valid only up to OCT.31, 2010, basically they based the validity of my re-entry VISA to the expiration of my WORK PERMIT. So, I went back to Manila for a vacation, Sept.12 & came back in Toronto October 27, 2010.
I've been on-hold at the Immigration in the Pearson Airport because there are only 6days left for the validity of my Work permit, though I told the 1st Officer that I already have submitted my application for OWP & PRV last April but still asked me to be screened by another Immigration Officer. I got so nervous but instead of worrying, I prayed that whatever would happen it's gonna be the will of God! Since I have heard that there are cases where the Immigration Officers never allow the returning LIVE-IN CG (from vacation at his/her home country) to ENTER CANADA again.
Then the 2nd Immigration Officer checked my status on the Computer, he told me that I am close to the finish line & confirmed that my application is still in process so he said: "OKAY, I WILL LET YOU IN, WELCOME BACK TO CANADA. ENJOY!"
I really praise & thank God for His goodness! I am truly blessed!!!
I hope it will in a way help you,guys! It's always really not according to our will but His will be done! I believe that God let me experienced it to be able to share to you how amazing & merciful He is

God bless us all! Good luck!\