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can i get into canada to life with my pregnant canadian wife if i have a record


Jun 6, 2010
hi there guys im 27 and im from ireland and i have enternd canada twice and lied both times that i didnt have a crimanil record. but i do have i have 4 drunk and disorderlys charges and a drinking in public charge all in witch i went to court and paid a fine . well i got into canada and it was there i meet my girlfriend and we fell in love and at my date of departcher she came back to ireland with me and we got married after a while and now she is pregnant and she is scared to have a kid in a strange country so she is flying home to have the kid in canada and be with her family for suport . the problem is that she thinks it will be easy for me to go over there and just life there becuse im her husband and soon to be a father of a wee baby canadian . she doesnt wont to move back to ireland becuse there is no work there and it is not the place for her . i wont my kid to be brought up in canada becuse there is so much to offer and a great future for him/her lol . my wife was born and bread in canada and her parents to and my wife wonts to sponser me but i no i will have problem getting in with my record and that i enterd by lieing but i thought i was just going on a canadian trip i didnt no i was gona find the love of my life there . my charges were from my late teens and earley 20s and my last one was 5 years ago and i tryed that clearing ur record think and you cant do that in ireland. does anybody no of this kind of problem r heard of someone getting into canada with my problem . ive tried the hole enternet for this type of problem and i cant find info anywere of this . maybe its not as bad as i think r maybe its just a big fat NO ill get but could someone plz help me . im not a crimanil im a hard working guy ive worked as a skilled plaster since i was 15 and ive paid taxes all my working life since 18 and ive never once climed benifits r dole money .


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May 19, 2010
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You may want to check here on the CIC site:


If it's been 5 years since your last offence and the charge was for something that would incur less then a 10 year sentance in Canada you could apply for rehabilitation.

I don't know how the mulitple charges affect your situation. If you do a search there was a document posted recently that outlined the criteria CIC officers use for determining inadmissibility.


Jun 6, 2010
thank . they wernt serious charges they were for being drunk in public places and makeing a full off myself and shouting abuse at cops . ive wised up now and i dont drink but everybody makes mistakes . but they arnt serios and there was no jail time and u wouldnt get jail time for it over here in ireland and im sure u wouldnt get jailed for it in canada . it could be worse i could be a rapest r pedo r an assult but there not they were all to do with me and not bad . thanks for replying and ur help


Ha an Irish man with a drunk and disorderly?HMMMM
Here is some reading for you to figure if you will be fine or not.
Rehabilitation for persons who are inadmissible to Canada because of past criminal activity (IMM 5312)
Eligibility for rehabilitation
What is rehabilitation?
Rehabilitation removes the grounds of criminal inadmissibility. Rehabilitation means that you lead a stable lifestyle and that you are unlikely to be involved in any further criminal activity.

Are you eligible to apply for rehabilitation?
You are eligible to apply for rehabilitation if you have:

•committed an act outside of Canada and five years have elapsed since the act;
•been convicted outside of Canada and five years have passed since the end of the sentence imposed. As there are different types of sentences, use the following table to calculate the five-year waiting period.
Type of Sentence Determining the Eligibility Date
Suspended Sentence Count five years from the date of sentencing.
Suspended Sentence with a fine Count five years from the date the fine was paid. In the case of varying payment dates, the rehabilitation period starts on the date of the last payment.
Imprisonment without Parole Count five years from the end of the term of imprisonment.
Imprisonment and Parole Count five years from the completion of parole.
Probation Probation is part of the sentence. Therefore, count five years from the end of the probation period.
Driving Prohibition * Count five years from the end date of the prohibition.

*You are prohibited by the Criminal Court from driving.

The following are three examples of how to calculate the five years waiting period:

Example 1: I was convicted of a crime on December 13, 2002, and received a jail sentence of three months. When will I be eligible to apply for rehabilitation?

You can apply for rehabilitation five years after the end of the sentence imposed. If your three-month jail sentence ended March 13, 2003, you are eligible to apply for rehabilitation on March 13, 2008, as long as no other terms were imposed on your sentence.

Example 2: On June 3, 2003, I was convicted of driving under the influence and had my driver’s licence taken away from me for three years. When am I eligible to apply for rehabilitation?

The sentence imposed ends on June 3, 2006. Count five years from the end date of the suspension or the date your driver’s licence is reinstated. You will be eligible to apply for rehabilitation on June 3, 2011.

Example 3: I have one conviction for which I was given three years of probation. Do I apply for rehabilitation after my probation is finished?

No. You are not eligible for rehabilitation until five years after the end of the sentence imposed. Since probation forms part of the imposed sentence, you can apply for rehabilitation five years after you complete your probation.

For more examples of how to calculate the five-year waiting period please go to:


VIP Member
Nov 6, 2009
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You can still be accepted. Five years have elapsed since your last conviction. People who have spent time in prison can still be accepted, so you can be.
However, maybe tell your wife it is not that easy to get a PR visa into Canada. Lots of people with a Canadian spouse and child have been refused. You have to prepare your application carefully and include a lot of evidence your relationship is genuine. Since you have lived with your wife and have a child, it will be easier than it is for some.
With criminal convictions, I think getting a lawyer to help with the application (in Canada) is a good idea. Usually I don't think a lawyer is necessary, but in this kind of case, if you have the money I think it is a good idea.


Jun 6, 2010
canadian women you are a god send realy you are the only person that has give me real advise and thank you so much . i havnt beeen able to sleep at night and i cant eat with the trese . you have realy brighting up my day . ill tell my wife what u wrote she will be happy to here . and ive heard that before about letting people into canada that have been into prison and thats a bit crazy i think . i no im no beter but im no jail bird . may luck be with you canadian women


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Nov 6, 2009
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Thank you. Good luck with your application!


Champion Member
Jul 14, 2008
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Actually, there is quite a bit more information at this link on the CIC website. The link posted earlier is for the rehabilitation application, but this one tells you more about how to determine whether you're eligible. Bottom line, a criminal record - no matter how simple - will complicate the processing of your PR application because they're going to have to determine whether or not that record makes you criminally inadmissible. Canada has no tolerance at all for applicants with criminal convictions, unless they were entirely resolved at least 5 years (and sometimes 10 years) before the PR application is submitted.

Unfortunately, coming to Canada to live is not a given just because you're married to a Canadian and have a "wee" ;D baby Canadian on the way. Once you and your wife read through this info, she should probably consult with a qualified Canadian immigration attorney for advice on how best to proceed. It's possible that even if you're not eligible for permanent residence just yet, there might be sufficient humanitarian and compassionate consideration to get you a Temporary Resident Permit.