zibi762 said:
I moved from New York to Germany a couple of years ago and brought my also very loud and vocal cat in cabin with me. He yowled in the car the whole way to the airport, and then at that point, I think he was freaked out enough that he just sort of hunkered down in his carrier and barely made a peep the rest of the trip (couple of little mews during take off, but that was it.) I felt really uncomfortable placing him in animal cargo, and honestly, all of the other passengers I encountered were super empathetic (frankly, I think people are much more patient with a traveling cat as opposed to say, a screaming baby.)
I agree! I landed with a dog in Canada,although he isn't very loud but he seemed frustrated being in his carrier the whole time and kept moving around in it... although,it was slightly embarrassing due to all the attention it gets you,but people usually understand and are more patient when it comes to animals

All I heard was,ohh poor dog, oh look the dogs gone crazy,is he hot?...
Just make sure you have the right papers,in my case I needed a rabies certificate and an international health cert. from a govt. vet.
And also, make sure where you're going to move into once you arrive allow pets!
For more accurate info check the canadian food inspection agency website.
You should be fine.
Pets hate being left behind,and its soo expensive to go get them again, get him with you!