Seperation is hard to overcome. When your life is reduced to computer chat. When you meet your wife online in less time than you commute to work, when you see families happy in Park, when you see couples hugging, when you see a child laughing, all reminds you of what you miss and it is cruel. Maybe it helps you to divert the thoughts. Every time you miss them visualize you all together doing what you love. I know, its like daydreaming but it is more positive than all other desperate thoughts. If we cannot be together in a real world, we can in visions. I talked to my employer and they understand and allow me to leave to visit my wife even in the middle of busiest times. I do not care of no income in those times as its for a much higher cause. I do not let more than 4 months go by to visit my wife again, but even with that its hard and no escaping into work will distract from the feeling of missing. Heads up, all things will be over and you will see, the wait was for a good cause and you will be rewarded with years of family life. I use the pain now to forever remember the hardship and to not start a argument if there are tensions, more tolerance and love.
Good luck to you and everybody who goes through this. Our country is build on immigrants pains. Let us never forget that.