...... DeaR SiRs , ..... As I informed You that PRViousLy My iMMiGRatien CANADA Case is in PRaCess ..... By My 1 One Mammi , SuZanne DeFFRee of the EDN SCience taap CLass MagaZine `s Chiefe EditOR .......ThRough My 1 1 EaRLieR MaMMi , M.R.S. CAROLiNE HiTLe the BARiSSTOR AT LAW , HeR OFFiCE is at " the O`HARA STREET , QUiEN`S STREET WEST . BUS STOP AT THE O`HARA STREET WEST ...............
........ PReSentLy I am Seeking onLy A MuLtiPLe Visit Visa of the CANADA COUNTRY ......... , So Please RepLy Me , When Can You ARRange My CANADA Visit ViSa ...... BeCause theRe ARe So Many Open Options With Me ........ to Get My DeSiRous CANADiAN TiMeLY ViSiTs ....... as EaRLieR ......EXPecting YouR due PoSitIve RePLies , in Much EXpactatiens
........ PReSentLy I am Seeking onLy A MuLtiPLe Visit Visa of the CANADA COUNTRY ......... , So Please RepLy Me , When Can You ARRange My CANADA Visit ViSa ...... BeCause theRe ARe So Many Open Options With Me ........ to Get My DeSiRous CANADiAN TiMeLY ViSiTs ....... as EaRLieR ......EXPecting YouR due PoSitIve RePLies , in Much EXpactatiens