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Breaking news! Canada's citizenship processing slowest within G-8 & G-20


Full Member
Apr 5, 2014
Minorities comprise 20% of the population of Canada. But this segment of the population is not homogenous. The composition of this demographic slice of the population pie has myriad ethnicities - Chinese, South Asians, Filipinos, immigrants of African and Hispanic origin etc. Uniting this heterogeneous segment of the population is a very challenging task due to differences in culture, language, customs, aspirations/motivations etc. All of them have their own community based associations. Minorities have yet to produce a powerful and influential pan-Canada leader who can transcend ethnic barriers and rally all these disparate ethnic communities into a union with a common cause, that could turn into a potent political force. 20% is a huge voting block and if the minorities unite, it would forever change the political landscape of Canada. A 20% voting block would have serious bargaining chips. Irrespective of whether the Liberals or Conservatives form the government, this 20% voting block could negotiate whatever they want with the government of the day. And the government will have to listen. Such is the potential of this block.

As they say, "united we stand, divided we fall". The division within the minority community has favoured the majority in Canada, especially the conservatives. So Asaif, in the absence of any serious challenge from minority voting block, Tories will continue to have an advantage. In addition, minorities are not politically organized. Most of them don't even vote in elections. They tend to be apathetic, ambivalent or even oblivious, partly because they tend to think that politics is none of their business. They are enmeshed in their daily grind and in the survival routine. The fact that majority of the politicians are white, only furthers their disenchantment and disinterest. And while the Grits are sympathetic to the problems of the minorities, whenever they have been in power, that sympathy has not necessarily translated into proportional representation in the top echelons of the government and private sector. The abysmal political participation of minorities has meant that several municipal wards, provincial and federal ridings that are largely dominated by minorities, have Caucasian candidates representing them in city hall, provincial and federal parliaments. Such leaders have little insight into the struggles of visible minorities and their representation is seen as superficial, being devoid of authenticity and credibility, furthering stereotypes of the "ruler and the ruled" and disenchantment of minorities with Canada's political system. The problems faced by the aboriginals are somewhat similar to the problems of the visible minorities. Canada's Aboriginal community is divided and they owe their allegiance, first and foremost to their respective clans/tribes but have not been able to rise above their filial affinity and join cause with other aboriginal groups to fight for their rights. The remarkable commonality between the plight of the aboriginals and the visible minorities is hard to miss; both count for little in the milieu of this country. The recent events in Ferguson, Missouri ought to ring a bell in the ears of the Canadian government. The racial makeup of the city was 67.4% African American, 29.3% White, 0.5% Asian, 0.4% Native American, 0.4% from other races, and 2.0% from two or more races. Hispanic and Latino of any race were 1.2% of the population. Yet their police department had only one Black officer. Every other important office including that of the City Manager, Mayor, Municipal Councillors - were occupied by white people. That created a situation that was ripe for social strife and tension. The same is bound to happen in Canada as well, in due course of time. The legitimate aspirations and soul of a community, long suppressed, will find utterance, in ways that will both astonish and shock the nation.


Full Member
Apr 5, 2014
Yesterday, I noticed that on the Canadian edition of an ethnic South Asian news paper, CIC published a paid advertisement. That advertisement claimed that CIC was processing citizenship applications faster for qualified applicants. Now, this is such a blatant lie being spread by CIC because as per CIC's own published timelines, average processing time for citizenship applications is 24 to 36 months.

CIC recently launched a plan to clear the backlog and process applications within an year. I have been hearing once in a while that some applicants have been granted citizenship within an year. But vast majority of the inventory is backlogged and it still takes 24 to 36 months or more. So for CIC to engage in false advertising like this and build false hopes in the minds of immigrants - this is unfair and amounts to being untruthful and deceptive. CIC should refrain from advertising in this manner, because it does not reflect the ground realities. The reality is that CIC's processing time for citizenship applications is the slowest among both G-8 and G-20 countries. CIC could very well be one of the slowest, worst and most inefficient immigration departments in the whole world !


Mar 30, 2015
Remember the requirement stay 1095 days as PR ( 3years) in Canada is shorter than in USA and other G8 countries which is 5years stay as PR before applying.


Champion Member
Jul 14, 2014
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At least in the other developed counties the processing is straight forward, but here we have lack of transparency and not defined deadlines for processing.

CIC will never engage themselves with official deadline for processing, instead they prefer to keep the applications without decision for years.

Only Canada has artificial means to delay on purpose applications with stuff like RQs.


Hero Member
Aug 14, 2014
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Flute said:
Yesterday, I noticed that on the Canadian edition of an ethnic South Asian news paper, CIC published a paid advertisement. That advertisement claimed that CIC was processing citizenship applications faster for qualified applicants. Now, this is such a blatant lie being spread by CIC because as per CIC's own published timelines, average processing time for citizenship applications is 24 to 36 months.

CIC recently launched a plan to clear the backlog and process applications within an year. I have been hearing once in a while that some applicants have been granted citizenship within an year. But vast majority of the inventory is backlogged and it still takes 24 to 36 months or more. So for CIC to engage in false advertising like this and build false hopes in the minds of immigrants - this is unfair and amounts to being untruthful and deceptive. CIC should refrain from advertising in this manner, because it does not reflect the ground realities. The reality is that CIC's processing time for citizenship applications is the slowest among both G-8 and G-20 countries. CIC could very well be one of the slowest, worst and most inefficient immigration departments in the whole world !
People like Chris Alexander, Jason Kenney are liars and racist. They do anything to secure votes for their party. That should sum it up.


Star Member
Oct 17, 2014
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I'm really surprised to hear so many complains here about the citizenship process.
I applied in July 2014 and will have my test in one week.
I agree that the process could be designed with more feedback and information from
But overall I think Canada is very generous with their citizenship process.
It takes you way longer to be eligible to apply for example for citizenship in
European countries.
The process itself once you are eligible is probably faster.
The conservatives are doing a great job and have cut processing times
Down a lot (at least for many applicants)
In my opinion those what are complaining so much are often the ones
Who leave Canada right after receiving citizenship.
That's not the intent of becoming a Citizen.
And One more Thing: I have never in this country experienced
Racism of any sort. In no other country are immigrants more welcomed
And accepted.
Just my two cents.


Hero Member
Jan 26, 2011
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Its just my opinion that people who have had their citizenship processed within a year (like yourself) would naturally think that the Conservatives are doing a great job.

Ask others who have been waiting since 2012-2013 and still have to write the test.

Elk-hunter said:
I'm really surprised to hear so many complains here about the citizenship process.
I applied in July 2014 and will have my test in one week.
I agree that the process could be designed with more feedback and information from
But overall I think Canada is very generous with their citizenship process.
It takes you way longer to be eligible to apply for example for citizenship in
European countries.
The process itself once you are eligible is probably faster.
The conservatives are doing a great job and have cut processing times
Down a lot (at least for many applicants)
In my opinion those what are complaining so much are often the ones
Who leave Canada right after receiving citizenship.
That's not the intent of becoming a Citizen.
And One more Thing: I have never in this country experienced
Racism of any sort. In no other country are immigrants more welcomed
And accepted.
Just my two cents.


Hero Member
Aug 14, 2014
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Elk-hunter said:
I'm really surprised to hear so many complains here about the citizenship process.
I applied in July 2014 and will have my test in one week.
I agree that the process could be designed with more feedback and information from
But overall I think Canada is very generous with their citizenship process.
It takes you way longer to be eligible to apply for example for citizenship in
European countries.
The process itself once you are eligible is probably faster.
The conservatives are doing a great job and have cut processing times
Down a lot (at least for many applicants)
In my opinion those what are complaining so much are often the ones
Who leave Canada right after receiving citizenship.
That's not the intent of becoming a Citizen.
And One more Thing: I have never in this country experienced
Racism of any sort. In no other country are immigrants more welcomed
And accepted.
Just my two cents.
You wouldn't have said that had your application been delayed for 3-4 years. Consider yourself lucky.


Hero Member
Aug 14, 2014
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It takes 81 calendar days in Australia to finalize and process a citizenship application.


Star Member
Mar 26, 2014
Elk-hunter said:
I'm really surprised to hear so many complains here about the citizenship process.
I applied in July 2014 and will have my test in one week.
I agree that the process could be designed with more feedback and information from
But overall I think Canada is very generous with their citizenship process.
It takes you way longer to be eligible to apply for example for citizenship in
European countries.
The process itself once you are eligible is probably faster.
The conservatives are doing a great job and have cut processing times
Down a lot (at least for many applicants)
This may be true in Toronto, but not true elsewhere. In the prairies it takes 24 months to just get your test date - sometimes even longer.

In my opinion those what are complaining so much are often the ones
Who leave Canada right after receiving citizenship.
You have no proof of this. Many immigrants *WANT* to integrate and be a part of the canadian democracy. They want to vote, want to be able to meet with their MPs an talk about their concerns and have their voices heard. What about these of people? They want to be citizens of canada in the sense they want to shape their future. I never see you speak for them. Why not? why are you biased towards few who leave canada after becoming citizens?

... and to address your concern, make all citizens pay taxes on worldwide income like the US. Problem solved.


Hero Member
Oct 9, 2014
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I could not disagree more. For you and most applicants the process is excellent as it takes an average of 6 to 80 months sometimes to complete the process. But for myself and the thousands of applicants that applied in 2009/2010/2011/2012 the process if far from being fair. Why? there are thousands of people that have been waiting for more 36 months, why? in most cases they do not even look at those applications, very sad. There is probably not a single developed country in the world where a citizenship application takes more than 3 years, it is utterly ridiculous. I am pretty sure if you had been waiting for 36+ months you would be talking differently.

Elk-hunter said:
I'm really surprised to hear so many complains here about the citizenship process.
I applied in July 2014 and will have my test in one week.
I agree that the process could be designed with more feedback and information from
But overall I think Canada is very generous with their citizenship process.
It takes you way longer to be eligible to apply for example for citizenship in
European countries.
The process itself once you are eligible is probably faster.
The conservatives are doing a great job and have cut processing times
Down a lot (at least for many applicants)
In my opinion those what are complaining so much are often the ones
Who leave Canada right after receiving citizenship.
That's not the intent of becoming a Citizen.
And One more Thing: I have never in this country experienced
Racism of any sort. In no other country are immigrants more welcomed
And accepted.
Just my two cents.


Hero Member
Aug 14, 2014
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djoli said:
I could not disagree more. For you and most applicants the process is excellent as it takes an average of 6 to 80 months sometimes to complete the process. But for myself and the thousands of applicants that applied in 2009/2010/2011/2012 the process if far from being fair. Why? there are thousands of people that have been waiting for more 36 months, why? in most cases they do not even look at those applications, very sad. There is probably not a single developed country in the world where a citizenship application takes more than 3 years, it is utterly ridiculous. I am pretty sure if you had been waiting for 36+ months you would be talking differently.
You said it very well.


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Aug 5, 2010
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Elk-hunter said:
I'm really surprised to hear so many complains here about the citizenship process.
I applied in July 2014 and will have my test in one week.
I agree that the process could be designed with more feedback and information from
But overall I think Canada is very generous with their citizenship process.
It takes you way longer to be eligible to apply for example for citizenship in
European countries.
The process itself once you are eligible is probably faster.
The conservatives are doing a great job and have cut processing times
Down a lot (at least for many applicants)
In my opinion those what are complaining so much are often the ones
Who leave Canada right after receiving citizenship.
That's not the intent of becoming a Citizen.
And One more Thing: I have never in this country experienced
Racism of any sort. In no other country are immigrants more welcomed
And accepted.
Just my two cents.

Totally agree


VIP Member
Jun 30, 2005

Rayan14 said:
It takes 81 calendar days in Australia to finalize and process a citizenship application.
1. Because it is an island and they have a record of every entry and exit


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PMM said:

1. Because it is an island and they have a record of every entry and exit
haha yeah he is right.There is people coming through the US using the wild jungles through Alberta.

If there would have been no USA,there would not be as many as people like now in Canada.