For the last week, my boyfriend had been acting strange. I had no idea what his legal status was in Canada. He is originally from Jamaica. Is currently living in Vancouver. As he has family in Toronto, I wrongly assumed he was here legally. He mentioned to me that he was concerned about his residence, after learning his landlords son was a cop (red flag #1). Tuesday, he was talking about how his lawyer had to send him some important papers through the mail, I didn't press as to what or reasons why (red flag #2). Thursday, he said he had to go home instead of coming over, because he was really stressed about something that was on his mind and just needed to be alone to do some reflection.
Friday, he was supposed to come over after work. I spoke to him around 5, he asked me to pick up some wine and order food, that he would reimburse me when he arrived. He assured me he would arrive by 7. I waited, he never showed. This was alarming to me, as even if he is 1 minute late, he would always call. Around 7:45 I tried to call him. His phone was off. It continued to be off all night and the next morning. My gut feeling was something was wrong. I went to his house to check with his housemate, but nobody was home.
Finally, yesterday (Sunday) I was able to track down his housemate, who told me that my boyfriend had been picked up by immigration on a 2 year old warrant.
Since that time, I've been researching online... trying to figure out where he is being held, and what procedures will happen. He has yet to contact me (understandably... as this day in age, I couldn't even tell you what my own sisters phone # is thanks to my smartphone).
It is my understanding, that as a detainee, he should have a hearing within 48 hours. Being that he was taken into custody on a Friday, I cannot be certain if he is being help in a CBSA holding cell, or in a provincial jail.
I tried calling CBSA to no avail, so went down to their Vancouver location in person. I was told that his name is not on the list of public hearings. Privacy laws prevent them from being able to confirm or deny if he is custody. It doesn't make sense to me that he would be having a private hearing... as per the information I've gathered:
"While in detention, you may be held in a provincial correctional facility used as a jail or holding centre. If you are detained in Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver, you may be held in a minimum-security immigration holding centre. The CBSA decides where you will be held.
In some limited cases, your detention review will happen at the facility where you are being held, or you may be connected to the IRB member by teleconference or videoconference. In other cases, CBSA officers may take you to a hearing facility at an IRB office for your detention review.
Detention reviews are usually open to the public. Media or other observers may attend or have access to information about your case. Most often, the detention review may be held in private if, for example, you are also a refugee claimant, or if a public hearing would threaten your safety."
Nobody can give me answers as to where he is being held, or what is happening to him. He was very reclusive, kept to himself. I have reached out to mutual friends of ours, and nobody seems to know anything more than I do. His housemate still hasn't heard anything further, I have no idea how to reach his family in Toronto, and my head is just spinning trying to figure out what could be going on... all I can do is keep leaving him voice-messages on his phone with the hope that he is somehow thinking to check them...
I am just wondering if anybody has some experience with something similar, or has any idea who I could talk to or seek advice from?
Friday, he was supposed to come over after work. I spoke to him around 5, he asked me to pick up some wine and order food, that he would reimburse me when he arrived. He assured me he would arrive by 7. I waited, he never showed. This was alarming to me, as even if he is 1 minute late, he would always call. Around 7:45 I tried to call him. His phone was off. It continued to be off all night and the next morning. My gut feeling was something was wrong. I went to his house to check with his housemate, but nobody was home.
Finally, yesterday (Sunday) I was able to track down his housemate, who told me that my boyfriend had been picked up by immigration on a 2 year old warrant.
Since that time, I've been researching online... trying to figure out where he is being held, and what procedures will happen. He has yet to contact me (understandably... as this day in age, I couldn't even tell you what my own sisters phone # is thanks to my smartphone).
It is my understanding, that as a detainee, he should have a hearing within 48 hours. Being that he was taken into custody on a Friday, I cannot be certain if he is being help in a CBSA holding cell, or in a provincial jail.
I tried calling CBSA to no avail, so went down to their Vancouver location in person. I was told that his name is not on the list of public hearings. Privacy laws prevent them from being able to confirm or deny if he is custody. It doesn't make sense to me that he would be having a private hearing... as per the information I've gathered:
"While in detention, you may be held in a provincial correctional facility used as a jail or holding centre. If you are detained in Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver, you may be held in a minimum-security immigration holding centre. The CBSA decides where you will be held.
In some limited cases, your detention review will happen at the facility where you are being held, or you may be connected to the IRB member by teleconference or videoconference. In other cases, CBSA officers may take you to a hearing facility at an IRB office for your detention review.
Detention reviews are usually open to the public. Media or other observers may attend or have access to information about your case. Most often, the detention review may be held in private if, for example, you are also a refugee claimant, or if a public hearing would threaten your safety."
Nobody can give me answers as to where he is being held, or what is happening to him. He was very reclusive, kept to himself. I have reached out to mutual friends of ours, and nobody seems to know anything more than I do. His housemate still hasn't heard anything further, I have no idea how to reach his family in Toronto, and my head is just spinning trying to figure out what could be going on... all I can do is keep leaving him voice-messages on his phone with the hope that he is somehow thinking to check them...
I am just wondering if anybody has some experience with something similar, or has any idea who I could talk to or seek advice from?