I need the clarification on following scenario:
Applied CEC then got AOR, then applied for BOWP as existing WP about to expire.
Got the BOWP but didn't get any job before existing WP end date.
Now my questions are:
- Can I stay unemployed in Canada on BOWP?
- If I return to my home country and try my luck from there to get job in Canada, can canadian employers hire me based on BOWP?
- Based on BOWP, can I travel back and forth without any job offer?
Seriors or similar experience people please answer....
Applied CEC then got AOR, then applied for BOWP as existing WP about to expire.
Got the BOWP but didn't get any job before existing WP end date.
Now my questions are:
- Can I stay unemployed in Canada on BOWP?
- If I return to my home country and try my luck from there to get job in Canada, can canadian employers hire me based on BOWP?
- Based on BOWP, can I travel back and forth without any job offer?
Seriors or similar experience people please answer....