Hi every
one i could like to know who is in the same boat. I was deported from canada and a send my application on Feb 01 2016 and I got my AS on March 17 a week after I got my AOR2 on March 23 now I am waiting but my medical exam's will exp soon on April 28 so I don't know what to do should I take them or should I wait for them to ask for it. I had seem I lot of please sending their criminal records like G4S and RCMP without request but I don't know if I should do the same or wait I will like to know if their ir anybody with the same case since I was deported from canada I heard that I will need to get a ARC but I don't know how is the process i saw somebody who had to wait for almost 2 year because he had the same issue. please share your experience thankkkkssss