AKJ said:
Thanks Friends ... anybody can share the format for the DOB affidavit ?
I have my birth certificate without name so thinking it would be good idea to send the affidavit as well.
hi AKJ, you can use this format, this is the format I used for my affidavit f(prepared back home) and I got my medicals now with all my documents :
AFFIDAVIT BY [Father's First Name] [Father's Last Name] and [Mother's First Name] [Mother's Last Name] (Mothers Maiden Name: Mother's Maiden Name)
Re: [Child's First Name] [Child's Last Name] (If child is married, list the following: (Child's Maiden Name: Child's Maiden Name))
We, [Father's First Name] [Father's Last Name] and [Mother's First Name] [Mother's Last Name], hereby depose and say:
Our full and complete address is [street address with apartment or house number, town/city, state, postal zip code].
That I, [Father's First Name] [Father's Last Name] was born on [date] in the town/city of [city], [country].
That I, [Mother's First Name] [Mother's Last Name] (Mother's Maiden Name: Mother's Maiden Name), was born on [date] in the town/city of [name of city], [country].
We married on [date of marriage] in the city of [name of city], [country].
We [Father's First Name] [Father's Last Name] and [Mother's First Name] [Mother's Last Name] had the following children:
a. [Child’s First Name] [Child's Last Name] (If child is married list the following: (Child's Maiden Name: Child's Maiden Name) born on [date]; and
b. [list all of the other children, if applicable].
[Child's First Name] [Child's Last Name] was born in [name of city], [country].
This affidavit is being submitted because [CHOOSE ONE] there is no official record of birth [OR} the official record of birth is incomplete concerning [Child's First Name] [Child's Last Name].
We declare under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is a true and correct statement.
[Father's First Name] [Father's Last Name] and signature
[Mother's First Name] [Mother's Last Name] and signature
Subscribed and Sworn to before
Me, this ____ day of __________,
[YEAR] at ______________________. [/list]