Thanks For Response(S)
I am in Monteral
I have attached affidavit that I notarized in Montreal with true copies of below certs.
10th CBSE Marklist(having DOB),
10th CBSE Passing having dob and fathers name,
pancard having dob and fathers name,
10th CBSE exam admit card having dob and fathers name,
driving licence having dob and fathers name and engineering college leaving certificate with my birth date.
passport copy
I am in Monteral
I have attached affidavit that I notarized in Montreal with true copies of below certs.
10th CBSE Marklist(having DOB),
10th CBSE Passing having dob and fathers name,
pancard having dob and fathers name,
10th CBSE exam admit card having dob and fathers name,
driving licence having dob and fathers name and engineering college leaving certificate with my birth date.
passport copy