Sorry!!!! Have no any idea abt. it. And probably nobody in this forum knows abt. it !!! Only the Officer/Receptionist at the BIQ know itagnes_blush27 said:tanx yogie
do you have any idea as to how many applicants being interview per day?
Sorry!!!! Have no any idea abt. it. And probably nobody in this forum knows abt. it !!! Only the Officer/Receptionist at the BIQ know itagnes_blush27 said:tanx yogie
do you have any idea as to how many applicants being interview per day?
yogie said:Hello guys(specially Indians),
It's very sad news that there has been no any interview missions going to arrange in INDIA for this year. BIQ, Hong Kong recently updated the Interview Scheduled and for Asia's there are only 2 missions and that 2 are also going to held in Hong Kong only.So all the concerned applicants(those who have already been invited/who are going to be invited in the near future ) now will require to tight their seat belt and go to HK!!!
no palak, this table shows where the missions operate for a given period. these are the locations where the interviews will be conducted. i know a couple of ppl from India who have their interviews scheduled this month at HK.palakdhagia said:It Seems in above link they have given mission Territory wise,for Asian territory means for Asia,regional office is Hongkong so I have doubt that Indians have to go to Hongkong for interview and there is already an embassy in India.Also,they open embassy twice in a year June & November
quebec2011 said:@ All,
I know this was suppose to happen the reasons are explained below.
1) Whatever happens rarely few out of hundreds complain about the delay from the concerned BIQ.
2) We are really satisfied with whatever is happening to us and we never ever say this is not fair.
3) If you look to Mideast applicants, they were told they won't have any interview this year as their files were transferred from BIQ damascus to Montreal and they are few times much more than us but what they did was, complaning all the day and nights to ministry of immigration because of the delay and inappropriate performance of their particular BIQ, and Now they have their interview in Turkey.
4) When I am asking you guys that wake up , some of our friends are saying that stay calm and concentrate on french, what is the use of that french when you can take you right.
I am sorry to say this but it seems that they have also understood that we are like this and they have started to take the advantage of this time and have started to call their own people. If you contact the BIQ Hk you will come to know that they are all localied and it happens my dear.
I think they won't call the ordinary Indian applicants to BIQ Hk for interview as of now and It seems they even won't have any program in upcoming months because When I asked her this question she said that they don't have any plan for India now.
When you are asking them about the status of your file they reply that they are still processing your files what does it mean? to some friends they have written that they might start to process their files next year and there is no hope for them in this year so it completely shows that we are all ignored.
Even if they plan to have a Interview in the Month of Feb In India and they start to evaluate your files in early 2012 still you won't make it to FEB 2012 because at least 2 months before the Interview you should be informed about your interview date and place.
Now it is up to you if you want to take your right so let's do something otherwise I assure you for Interview we have to wait at least 1.5 -2 years.
I hope I have not offended anyone here because I really didn't mean it but this is the reality and We have to accept it.
God bless.
I am not angry my dear, I am Sad , I feel isolated , I feel pity for ourselves that we even can't ask them question related to our files.mba_swarn said:Je pense que, Quebec2011 la a cité correctement, mais fachement aussi.
Biq HK prendra beacoup de temps, j'ai envoye mon application dans le moi de Oct mais il n' y a pas de ils prendront l'interview dans la moi prochaine dans le Nov, il faut que on doive envoyer le lettre a nous.
Je suis bien agree avec Quebec....nous devons renvoyer notre queries via e-mail ou Tele autrement, nous somme completement negligié par eux.
Every cloud has a silver lining : Je suis aussi sure que, toute les personne y vont dans l'été de l'embasade nous autorise CSQ......maintenant les fingers are crossed.......
Nous créons un problème a BIQ, Ils peuvent aussi creer un problem dans notre process d'application.....
Ici..nous somme entrer le Devil et Deep blue sea.
Les different pays a different temp d'attente ou délai de traitement d'application d'immigration....en notre cas ..beacoup de peuple qui a demande l'immigration dans le 2011 a ete donne le CSQ....on ne peut jamais generaliser ......cela depend...le cas et cas, c'est different le timing of treatement.
On n'a pas le choix....attendez... et demandez le renseignements doucement et coordialement du réceptioniste....
3 monthspeso said:quebec2011,francaise,vibez_well and yogie
From what i can see am sure u will get interview for NOV or DEC am very sure don't worry. and guys do you know how long the police certificate last. it is 3 month or 2 month?
Thanks dear,peso said:@ STILLHOPE
thanks for the reply bro, how is the federal part going hope hood. i was thinking my interview might be in NOV or DEC so can i apply for it now so after the interview u can apply for federal?
Hi,solokru said:I know people from India are becoming irritated with the speed that BIQ-HK are giving out interviews. That is totally understandable but once you get there you'll realize why they are slow in dishing out interviews. I have no exact figures but when I got there there were three rooms available for those being interviewed. An interview usually takes about 45 minutes to an hour and 15 minutes. I also visited their office a day before the interview but the receptionist on the information desk told me that they were not accepting even visitors after 3pm.
I've also noticed that on that particular day an interviewer usually interviews applicants from a specific nationality. My interviewer previously interviewed a Filipina applicant and then after my interview a Filipino couple was called to her room. Also, I've seen the same thing with other interviewers. The other IO interviewed only Indians and another interviewed only Chinese applicants.
From this observation I could only guess that receiving a large number of applicants from a specific country would definitely slow down the speed of processing for application for that country. I think the bulk of applicants from Asia comes from China and India and this is backed up by immigration stats released by Quebec.
Also do take note that BIQ-HK serves a 60+ countries in Asia. They have the most number of countries served compared to other BIQ offices. They cannot focus on one country to process alone.
Good luck to all applicants though. I hope you can be patient and wait out on your turn for the CSQ. I know all you guys can make it! Bonne chance!