My wish is they do not pass the bill BUT:
1. To pass any bill, you have to have majority (the Conservative party has the majority)
2. Many NDP and Liberals are not against the bill as a whole but against some parts of it, once these points are fixed, the bill will pass
3. Passing bills in Canada is unpredictable as some bills can pass in less than one month, some pass after several months if not years and some never pass.
It is an election time of the year (end of this year) and every party wants to get voter's support and some will be very extremists like conservatives to get as many as voters so they will have the next prime minister of canada from their own party.
All what we have is to wait and see, but also if we have petition and many sign this petition (thousands, more than 50,000), this will make a difference as the rights as permanent residents that we do not qualify for are: having passport, empolyement in high security places and voting, but the rest of the rights are with us, like if they pass a bill we can object it at the supreme court of Canada