AliceL said:
And the Conservative party passed Bill C24 and are blocking bill C6 for the same reasons, so they're motivated by political gain as well. At least Bill C6 actually does some good to Canada by allowing immigrants to feel home and fully embrace their new country. Bill C24 is harmful for Canada because it alienates immigrants.
Yes, indeed. Every political party looks for political gain (votes) in order to achieve the rest of its agenda. It's not really breaking news.
A general way to look at their agenda is this:
The Liberals it's: More taxes, more spending, bigger government, more financial control/less financial freedom, more public services, more freedom for LGBT and drug addicts, more immigration (for more votes).
The Tories: Less taxes, less spending, smaller government, less financial control/more financial freedom, less public services, status quo for LGBT and drug addicts, less immigration (for more votes).
And, personally, I'm split between the 2. I'm pro-choice, pro-LGBT, pro-public healthcare, pro-legal immigration. But I'm also for less taxes, less spending (except for healthcare and elderly-care) and less government control. So I think a country is healthy when it has a good balance and the government change side a lot. Like Canada does