This is OUTSTANDING news!! To say that I'm ecstatic would be a "YUUUGE"

understatement!! Thank You for bringing this wonderful news to us!
I will personally send a long thank you letter to Sen. Ratna Omidvar for her diligent work on this, and for standing up for all naturalized citizens to ensure they are not "second class" citizens whose citizenship hangs by a thread at the whims and fancies of ONE SINGLE INDIVIDUAL: THE IMMIGRATION MINISTER!! Unfortunately, I will be sending it from the US, where I currently reside (hope that's OK). I will also send a thank you note to the other senators who helped make this happen!
This goes a long way (as perfectly stated by Ms. McCoy) to bring Canada in line with
virtually all other 1st world countries in ensuring their naturalized citizens are just as VALUABLE as Canadian born ones!!
Actually this is SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than addressing the revocation of citizenship for those accused of terrorism. At least THAT process had the independent judiciary involved in it. If they really wanted to revoke citizenship from an alleged terrorist, why would they even go that route, when it is so easy for the minister to simply
SAY that the person committed fraud in the application and then next day revoke their citizenship?? .......Make sense now??
Yes, virtually all modern democracies allow for revocation of citizenship on certain VERY SERIOUS grounds, as well as fraud committed to obtain it.
THAT is not the issue. The fact is that virtually all of these countries (including the
United States) require
IMPARTIAL AND INDEPENDENT JUDICIARY to revoke someone's citizenship. And especially in the US it is an extremely difficult process.