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Bill C-6: Senate stage


Nov 22, 2016
EddyIT said:
Hi all,

Please I need everyone's advice.

I've been eligible to apply under the current(Harper) citizenship law for 4 months now but I was waiting in hopes bill c6 would be done soon.

My main concern is about "intention to reside" clause as I heard from a friend that another friend of his (Syrian) had his case refused during the interview since he visited his family for 1 week vacation in Dubai. This guy has a small business here, employs 10 Cabadians and still got rejected on the grounds that the officer wasn't convinced he intends to stay.

I'm Egyptian and I visit my father/mother in Egypt every 6 months or so and this has me very worried I will be rejected based on this.

Does anyone in the forum have experience with this issue of "intention to reside"? I am debating if I should start applying now or to continue waiting for c6 for a few more months.

Thank you!
Intend to reside only applies during the time of application. Once you are Canadian Citizen then you are free to travel anywhere. Even during the citizenship application process, you can travel abroad. However, during the application process, you have to inform CIC regarding your traveling plans.....


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Full Member
Dec 7, 2016
ratna omivdar sayed c6 will be studied this month twitter.com/adamgiggs/status/827613991748911106


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Mar 17, 2015
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Zixco said:
Intend to reside only applies during the time of application. Once you are Canadian Citizen then you are free to travel anywhere. Even during the citizenship application process, you can travel abroad. However, during the application process, you have to inform CIC regarding your traveling plans.....

Thank you Zixco and razorblade for sharing your experiences!

I'm encouraged to start preparing my application...and who knows, by the time I get ready and apply, maybe c6 will be almost law!

That actually raises a question: What happens to applications being processed if c6 becomes law? Do the new (better) rules get enforced on everyone or only on applications submitted AFTER it becomes law?


Hero Member
Dec 7, 2009
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EddyIT said:
Thank you Zixco and razorblade for sharing your experiences!

I'm encouraged to start preparing my application...and who knows, by the time I get ready and apply, maybe c6 will be almost law!

That actually raises a question: What happens to applications being processed if c6 becomes law? Do the new (better) rules get enforced on everyone or only on applications submitted AFTER it becomes law?
Logically - If and when the law is applicable; all applications received thereafter will be assessed as per the specs of the law. The applications that are already in processing will be determined as per then applicable laws. Albeit if any application falls thru then the applicant has opportunity to appeal under new (read favourable) law.


Champion Member
May 8, 2015
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EddyIT said:
Thank you Zixco and razorblade for sharing your experiences!

I'm encouraged to start preparing my application...and who knows, by the time I get ready and apply, maybe c6 will be almost law!

That actually raises a question: What happens to applications being processed if c6 becomes law? Do the new (better) rules get enforced on everyone or only on applications submitted AFTER it becomes law?
Bill C-6 includes the following provision in clause 16:

Intention to reside in Canada — citizenship granted
16 Paragraph 5(1)‍(c.‍1) of the Citizenship Act, as it read immediately before the day on which subsection 1(5) comes into force, is deemed never to have applied to a person whose application for citizenship was made on or after June 11, 2015 and who was granted citizenship before the day on which that subsection comes into force.

Paragraph 5(1)(c.1) is exactly the intention to reside part of the Citizenship Act.

Long story short: Once Bill C-6 passes, it is as if the intention to reside requirement never existed ever, no matter if you applied while the Harper Government rules were in force. This particularly means that not having had the intention of reside can't be used to take citizenship away from someone, since, as the new act reads, it is deemed to never to have applied to anyone.

There is a similar clause 17 that also lifts the intend requirement from all applications that were made under the old rules but are still pending.


Champion Member
May 8, 2015
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jeea said:
Logically - If and when the law is applicable; all applications received thereafter will be assessed as per the specs of the law. The applications that are already in processing will be determined as per then applicable laws. Albeit if any application falls thru then the applicant has opportunity to appeal under new (read favourable) law.
This is incorrect, see my post above. The intend to reside clause is revoked for all applications, even if made under the old rules.


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Mar 17, 2015
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spyfy said:
Bill C-6 includes the following provision in clause 16:

Intention to reside in Canada — citizenship granted
16 Paragraph 5(1)‍(c.‍1) of the Citizenship Act, as it read immediately before the day on which subsection 1(5) comes into force, is deemed never to have applied to a person whose application for citizenship was made on or after June 11, 2015 and who was granted citizenship before the day on which that subsection comes into force.

Paragraph 5(1)(c.1) is exactly the intention to reside part of the Citizenship Act.

Long story short: Once Bill C-6 passes, it is as if the intention to reside requirement never existed ever, no matter if you applied while the Harper Government rules were in force. This particularly means that not having had the intention of reside can't be used to take citizenship away from someone, since, as the new act reads, it is deemed to never to have applied to anyone.

There is a similar clause 17 that also lifts the intend requirement from all applications that were made under the old rules but are still pending.
Thank you for clarifying spyfy. This is great news ;D

I'm actually encouraged now to start applying. Although I really do intend to reside, this ambiguity had me worried for the past 5 months (since I was eligible to apply under Harper's law) as I was concerned it can easily be used to "filter out" people from certain areas of the world.

Also, I think C6 will be ready fairly soon (perhaps in a few weeks/months), so this will probably positively impact the citizenship applications moving forwards.....


Star Member
Jun 1, 2014
EddyIT said:
Hi all,

Please I need everyone's advice.

I've been eligible to apply under the current(Harper) citizenship law for 4 months now but I was waiting in hopes bill c6 would be done soon.

My main concern is about "intention to reside" clause as I heard from a friend that another friend of his (Syrian) had his case refused during the interview since he visited his family for 1 week vacation in Dubai. This guy has a small business here, employs 10 Cabadians and still got rejected on the grounds that the officer wasn't convinced he intends to stay.

I'm Egyptian and I visit my father/mother in Egypt every 6 months or so and this has me very worried I will be rejected based on this.

Does anyone in the forum have experience with this issue of "intention to reside"? I am debating if I should start applying now or to continue waiting for c6 for a few more months.

Thank you!
So , what did you choose ???? waiting C 6 or apply now ????

Actually you are in the same boat like my wife , her parents are old sick , and she is very attached to them & always worried about them . she lives here , been eligible to apply since 5 months now , and she wants to continue living here , but she cant imagine the idea that under any hard circumstances with her parents outside Canada she cannot go and at least see them or stay with them at least a month or so in a year because she don't want the intention to reside clause to affect her .

She cannot imagine that if she received a call saying her mom or her dad in hospital she cannot go immediately because of intention to reside clause ,

for any reason your process time can goes for years instead of months . I think the intention to reside clause is not too clear about this point .

My question is to any advisor can help !!!

can she travel during the process or no and if yes how long she can stay outside can she go for 1 month vacation in the summer ??? can she go for emergency situations or no ? or better to wait Bill c 6

In the same time , I'm sure also that your friend been refused or rejected for totally different reason ?



Full Member
Apr 14, 2016
Back in June 2016 I sent the following email to ALL senators:

'Dear Mr cuz,

By way of introduction, I am Hamza Shaikh, a Canadian Permanent Resident residing in Calgary. I am writing to express my full support for Bill C-6. I understand that the Bill has passed all stages in the House of Commons, and is now in the Senate stage of the process.

I received my permanent residency in April 2013 and then I went back to the UK to complete my university degree. I moved to Canada permanently in January 2014. I am very grateful to what this country has provided me and I feel absolutely proud to call Canada my home. Bill C-6 is important to me and to my British spouse (who recently became a permanent resident after I sponsored her application) along with several other immigrants as it would allow us to become citizens sooner (reducing the time spent in Canada from four years to three years) and reduce many of the harmful and unconstitutional changes to citizenship introduced through Bill C-24 last year.

I am an Engineer by profession, and my goal is to serve Canada as a government employee so I can give back to this beautiful country.

I would be grateful if you could support Bill C-6 in its present state and help it pass through the Senate stage so it receives Royal Assent and becomes a law soon.

I would also like to personally thank you for your hard work and for everything you have done for Canada and for the people residing here.

Kind Regards,
My name'

This is the reply I got today from one of the conservative senators:

'Thank you for your email regarding bill C-6 An Act to amend the Citizenship Act and to make consequential amendments to another Act. This bill is presently is presently before the Standing Committee Social Affairs, Science and Technology.

I am of the view that there should be obligations attached to gaining the right of Canadian citizenship - in particular for those who may hold another citizenship. I strongly believe that one of these obligations should include NOT committing terrorist acts against Canada. The Trudeau government believes that convicted terrorists that have acted against Canada and who hold dual citizenship should be granted all the rights and privileges that Canadian citizenship bestows. I believe that convicted terrorists that have violated their oath of citizenship should therefore lose that citizenship. I and many Canadians believe this is reasonable.

I appreciate your comments and will add those to my own considerations when the Bill returns to the Senate.

Senator's name'


Star Member
Dec 5, 2016
Calgaryapp1990 said:
This is the reply I got today from one of the conservative senators:

'Thank you for your email regarding bill C-6 An Act to amend the Citizenship Act and to make consequential amendments to another Act. This bill is presently is presently before the Standing Committee Social Affairs, Science and Technology.

I am of the view that there should be obligations attached to gaining the right of Canadian citizenship - in particular for those who may hold another citizenship. I strongly believe that one of these obligations should include NOT committing terrorist acts against Canada. The Trudeau government believes that convicted terrorists that have acted against Canada and who hold dual citizenship should be granted all the rights and privileges that Canadian citizenship bestows. I believe that convicted terrorists that have violated their oath of citizenship should therefore lose that citizenship. I and many Canadians believe this is reasonable.

I appreciate your comments and will add those to my own considerations when the Bill returns to the Senate.

Senator's name'
No surprise, we all understand the Cons issue with the Bill is the terrorism clause and the language clause, they never highlighted any issue against the time pre-PR, the physical time or even the intend to reside, but the fact that all these clauses fall under one bill makes their intention to kill it or drastically amend it is very strong

But i would really would like to ask the honourable senator, what about Mr. Alexandre Bissonnette, after he committed an act of terrorism/ hate crime will he keep having the same rights and privileges that all the Canadian citizens have even the sworn one?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hero Member
Apr 1, 2013
Montreal101 said:
But i would really would like to ask the honourable senator, what about Mr. Alexandre Bissonnette, after he committed an act of terrorism/ hate crime will he keep having the same rights and privileges that all the Canadian citizens have even the sworn one?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have exactly that same question and if we look at the pattern , a few if not a single one of all the responsible of terrorist acts in canada were dual citizens , they were most of them all born here.Their claim doesn't make sense constitutionally . It is indeed a 2-tier citizenship that they want to implement . Today it is terrorism , tomorrow it is cyber fraud , the following day it'll be DUI so one so fourth..
The only thing i'm thinking right now is when bill c6 will be passed and implemented let's say 2017-2018 , the next federal election is in 2019 , and conservatives end up having taking the lead again , what will happen to this bill ?