Due to other things that came up today I didn't have the chance to listen to today's audio.
Since there seems to be some confusion on what exactly has been voted on today, maybe check the journal and debates as soon as they are published (that usually takes about a day or so)
Also, here is a random collection of things I don't want to see in this thread:
"If this bill is passed, the conservatives will not win the next election."
"The fact is that bill C 6 will not see light at all"
"This is politics, you do not know what politics means. Art of lying"
There is a whole thread where you can unload all those speculations/debates/trolling moments. Again, the spirit of this thread is just to keep everyone updated about factual things and not to have another debate thread. Many people in this thread seem to agree with my idea. Please honour that request. Thank you.