Got me notes.
Notes Generated: Feb 21, 2018 (+1 day from GetGCMS Order)
App Status: Open
App Status Reason: In Progress
Last VO Activity: Feb 9, 2018 (PCC Processing)
Last Notes Activity: Feb 12 (I had emailed asking for status)
Eligibility: Recommend Passed
Security: Not Started
Criminality: Not Started
Medical: Passed
Info Sharing: Complete
[Application Due Date: 2018/02/28]
Highlights from Detailed Notes:
Case Analyst: Recommend passed*** EE FSW Having analyzed this application based on the documents submitted by the applicant and the information contained in the file, I make the following recommendation:
A11.2: Appears Met
R75: Appears Met
R76: Appears Met
Funds: Appears Met
Work Experience: Letter appears to confirm employment in declared occupation throughout the specified period, and provides a job description which is consistent with the lead statement and main duties as set out in the declared NOC category. Web-based search confirms employer information.
The PCCs uploaded on Feb 9 were processed same day(!).
Hey! I am glad you received your notesGot me notes.
Notes Generated: Feb 21, 2018 (+1 day from GetGCMS Order)
App Status: Open
App Status Reason: In Progress
Last VO Activity: Feb 9, 2018 (PCC Processing)
Last Notes Activity: Feb 12 (I had emailed asking for status)
Eligibility: Recommend Passed
Security: Not Started
Criminality: Not Started
Medical: Passed
Info Sharing: Complete
[Application Due Date: 2018/02/28]
Highlights from Detailed Notes:
Case Analyst: Recommend passed*** EE FSW Having analyzed this application based on the documents submitted by the applicant and the information contained in the file, I make the following recommendation:
A11.2: Appears Met
R75: Appears Met
R76: Appears Met
Funds: Appears Met
Work Experience: Letter appears to confirm employment in declared occupation throughout the specified period, and provides a job description which is consistent with the lead statement and main duties as set out in the declared NOC category. Web-based search confirms employer information.
The PCCs uploaded on Feb 9 were processed same day(!).
I see everything is positive and there is nothing specific making your application stuck (not from your side at least).
I will be receiving my notes in few days now too ... Let's see how it turns out