I would go with Scotia as you can get the monthly fee waived for a minimum deposit of 3000-5000 as per the account chosen. Also you can get 'Credit Card like' rewards on the Debit Scene card.
HSBC is not a Canada based bank and the branches are way less so not recommended.
RBC is a better option and got the most branches. Also most government payments as pension go through RBC. You get monthly fee discounted by multi product rebate but not fully waived.
CIBC and BMO are similar to Scotia in terms of monthly fee and branches.
TD is a better option if you want a bank which is open more hours during the week and weekend. Monthly fee can be waived by minimum deposit and similar branch numbers as Scotia and CIBC.
I have Scotia and TD account and if I have to choose a third, that would be RBC.
Customer service vary by bank and the branch. Though I usually had little better experience in Scotia than in a TD branch. Check the Google review for the branch near you.
There as other no fee basic account options as Simpli and Tangerine(by Scotia) but you have many limitations as on withdrawal, interact, ATM and physical branches are none to few in some major cities. You have to call or use online banking for everything. Not a good recommendation for your only banking account.