askhimos said:
hi Canadian_Leb thx for ur answer wa akhiran meshi l 7al..thx for ur helps , when i login with my sponsor uci Sponsorship Application Status

ecision Made i dnt understand what its mean , Permanent Residence Application Status :Application Received 1- application received in feb 2013 &
Medical results have been received. but wich medical 3melto marten first when i apply my application and the second from 2 weeks ago any help?
Hi askhimos
I'm glad I could help. Sponsorship application is the first step which usually takes maximum one month to get decision made which is basically ensuring that the sponsor is eligible to sponsor his family. They look at things like financial support- is the sponsor able to support his family in canada . This part is done here in canada; so you have that approved.
The second step is granting the applicant, person sponsored, conditional or full permanent residency in canada. This is the step that takes time. For Lebanon, there are 4 criteria that need to approved or passed.
1. Medical: whether the person being sponsored is in good health to ensure public safety in Canada- no major diseases, special needs etc.... This is the medical test the applicant needs to take- for Lebanon results get checked and granted in Paris - so when you get medical results have been received, that means your medical was granted and passed.
2. Eligibility- things like genuinity of the relationship between spouses, genuinity of the marriage
3. Security - that's security screening through agencies sometimes Interpol when the applicant lived in multiple countries for more than 6 months - this is what takes a long time - they basically do a background check on u
4. Criminality - whether the applicant has a criminal records so they check to make sure that the applicant has a clean police record
Whether the medical results are from first or second test I don't know but I think for you most likely from first medical because for me it took about 2 to 3 months to get this line. By the time the medical gets approved and granted.
You might want to order the case notes GCMS, they will give you a better idea of things that have been done vs. things that are still pending
Candude posted how to order those. This is the link:;msg2749964#msg2749964
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