Hi, Sorry for the VERY VERY late reply...mattaz said:Have a hope. Also I wanted to tell you that you can renew the military services until age of 27 so you've got little bit of time.
(If you like I can tell you more information on this)
My visa will be expires soon and need to find someway extend the visa to stay in Canada. And I can't stay in South Korea for no more than 2 months because if i do, they can put me into army. I can still can extend the military service one more year and that's it for me... so I hope I get the invitation by this year so I can get the PR next year. (The timeline is very tight for me...)
Let me know how it goes.
Wish you all the best and luck!
I know it has almost been how many years, two years?
So far, I've graduated school in April of last year.
Well... That's great... except I have yet to find a skilled job for almost a year now.
I don't think there's any hope for me anymore.
My passport now expires at DECEMBER of this year.
I have months of unqualifying part time work here and there to support myself, while searching for NOC jobs. I have gotten a few interviews here and there, but no real employment of NOC satisfying job.
I would like to ask, how do you extend past age 27? I'm turning 25 now... I'm getting old as hell...
I have personally wrote about 200 different cover letters to various tech companies, hospitals, and other pretty much "TECHNICIAN" title on them to meet the NOC B.
Over christmas, I have sent out even hand written Christmas cards with my resume and cover letter enclosed in it in hopes that they would reply.
I have personally visited, bothered them, called them, I've tried many techniques.
Obviously some employers don't like to be bothered, but I don't have time to sit and wait in leisure for their response, especially in recent times.
I can't believe just how hard it is to find such an NOC related work in Canada.
I've even applied to Saskatchewan way far up north in hopes that anyone would hire me.
As of now, I'm beginning to show signs of depression and feeling maybe I am so worthless that no one wants to even bother with me.
Why do I deserve to be kicked out of here? I lived a good life here. I never got in trouble once with the law, I never even gotten a speeding or parking ticket.
Sorry about the rant... I wrote about a whole page and just snipped it, It helps me calm down.
Thanks for anyone that tried to help or gave your thoughts.