Entrepreneur Immigration - Process
September 1, 2015: Please note that the Entrepreneur Immigration Stream is not impacted by the pause in the Skills Immigration stream. The Entrepreneur Immigration stream continues to accept registrations for prospective applicants, up to a maximum of 200 per month.
The BC Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) has introduced an online registration system for prospective applicants to the Entrepreneur Immigration stream.
How the Process Works
If you are interested in immigrating to B.C. and are ready to invest in and actively manage a business in the Province, the Entrepreneur Immigration stream may be a fit for you. First, you should conduct research about B.C.’s economy and regions. You may then complete an Entrepreneur Immigration Registration. If you meet the minimum registration requirements, you will be entered into the selection pool.
Periodically, the BC PNP will invite the highest-scoring registrants to submit an application. If invited to apply, you will have four months to submit a complete application. If the application is approved, you will sign a Performance Agreement and will have up to 20 months to implement your business proposal in B.C.
If you meet the requirements of the Performance Agreement within the 20 months, the BC PNP will nominate you for permanent residence. You and your dependent family members can then apply for permanent residence under the Provincial Nominee class with Citizenship and Immigration Canada.