Right, only if they are under 18 and both parents are deceased. Or the sponsor is single, never married, has no children, parents and grandparents are deceased and doesn't have a brother/sister/Aunt/Uncle/Niece/Nephew in Canada. Then they can sponsor 1 relative.amar8580 said:thanks for the quick response..But i am a bit confused.
Do you mean to say that if my niece and nephew are orphaned and have no living relative in india. E.g. mother, father, grandparents, unlce, aunt etc.
Only then do the qualify for the sponsorship under family class.
Good point - this question is far from "basic". It's actually rather complicated!Karlshammar said:Hang on. Are you saying that the mother of these children is a Canadian citizen? Then they would most likely have been born as Canadian citizens, as long as their mother was either naturalized or born in Canada.
amar8580 said:Right...its my mother's sister. So my aunt who is the one who is a canadian citizen. Not the mother (my sister) of my neice and nephew who is a canadian citizen. So basically i wanted to know if there grandmother's (my mom) sister can sponsor her neice and nephew.