Hello everyone, thanks for keeping this thread going. I've been a silent observer until now but learning from y'all all the same.
My timeline is:
AOR- 02 August 2017
Medicals passed - 17 August 2017
I'm a tad worried because on August 14, I uploaded another LOE via CSE to correct my partner's travel history which I noticed had some inconsistencies. Unfortunately, I noticed the mistakes only after I'd submitted. Since then, status has read "The additional documents you provided have been uploaded". It was originally "The additional documents you provided are being reviewed". Not quite sure if this extra information I provided has somehow stalled my application.
BGC has read NA since I started taking notice of it

(About 2 weeks after my medicals). I'm not quite sure if there was another status before this time.
It's almost 2 months now and I'm tempted to request GCMS notes. Should I bother or just sit it out? What do you think?