You can expect it very soon, I received mine this morning at 7:24 am, My received date was August 21th.When you expect applications submitted on 25/8 will receive the AOR
Congratulations to youYou can expect it very soon, I received mine this morning at 7:24 am, My received date was August 24th.
Spreadsheet admin, Please update the tracker. Thanks!
Thanks @Manardarali It was CanadaPost. Correction my application was received August 21st not 24th.Congratulations to youmine was received Aug 24 as well. Did you send yours by Canada post or courier ?
Good to know Coz I’ve read on a previous page that one theory suggests that apps sent by courier might receive AOR sooner . Mine was sent by Canada post too. Fingers crossed as my original was sent in March and returned in August for a missing check markYes
It was CanadaPost.
It was just my guess that maybe they are issuing AORs based on last nameThats baseless, I sent mine August 1, delivered August 5 and my last name is G. Nothing yet.
Congratulations!Received AOR on 25th November, Line 42. Application delivered 17th Aug 2020
Hi can you provide the following info so we can add you to the sheet:I submitted my application August 8, application was delivered August 12. I received AOR today.
I just checked the sheet and it looked like your AOR wasn't there so I went ahead and put it. Let me know if there's anything incorrect!I got my AOR on 20th Nov 2020. I have updated the spreadsheet
I've updated some info so far for August. I'm not really the admin of the group but I'm happy to help! I'm a November applicant so seeing AORs rise from previous months gives me hope haha!Received AOR on 25th November, Line 42. Application delivered 17th Aug 2020. Who do i need to message to update?
Correction to my prev post. My application was received Aug 20 so same timeline as you. Still waiting on AORHi ,
We have the same timeline. I resent my application on Aug 17, received on (around) Aug 20 . Still waiting. What’s this surname theory? Just a theory right? My last name starts with A
Best of luck to all!
Can you correct my entry in the sheet with below details as my details are incorrect and I don't have access to modify my details in the sheet ?Hi can you provide the following info so we can add you to the sheet:
Location (city):
App type (single or # of people):
Physical presence days:
App sent date:
App delivered date:
AOR received:
Oh right looool. I don’t know how I read it the 24th maybe it’s my inner thoughts and hopes for a fast AORThanks @Manardarali It was CanadaPost. Correction my application was received August 21st not 24th.