How to link an applicationuse only principal applicant's detail in application detail section. There is also thread for linking GC key account. You may refer to that too.
- Go to this page
- If you already have an account, just log into it and go to step 3. If you don't have an account, choose either "Continue to Sign-In Partner" or "Continue to GCKey". Attention! To find out the difference between these two, please see "Questions and Answers" section below in this post.
If you've chosen "Sign-In Partner", create an account with one of them. If you've chosen "GCKey", on the next page click "Sign Up" and create an account. The process of creating an account is similar to signing up on any other regular website, so it shouldn't be complicated. - After logging in or signing up on the previous step, you will see your account page. Click "Add (link) your application to your account".
- In the Category select Permanent Residence (here and below I will imply you've applied to sponsor your family member and will suggest options based on that. If your case is different, choose whatever option applies to you).
- In the Sub-category select the class of your application. For example "Family Class (Common-law partner)" or "Family Class (Spouses)".
- In "Application details: Please select one" select one of the four options. If you know an application number (if you've received AOR previously and it contains application number), you can select "Application Number and Family Name" option. If you don't know either application number or UCI, then select "Family Name, Given Name and Date of Birth".
- Enter the required information.
Attention! You need to use Primary Applicant's information, i.e. PA's name, PA's date of birth, PA's UCI, etc.
Attention! Enter the information exactly as you did in your application form IMM0008.
Attention! A sponsor and a Primary Applicant have different UCI numbers. If you have received AOR1, it has sponsor's UCI. Do not use it! For more details about UCI number please see "Questions and Answers" section below in this post.
- In the "Applicant's personal information" section select either "Passport" or "Place of Birth".
- Enter the required information exactly as you did in your application form IMM0008.
- In the "Other Application Information" select the province and the city you are going to live in as you did in the form IMM0008.
- In the "Current marital status" select the status that applies to you. If you are a common-law, you will most probably need to select "Single" (as reported by members on this forum).
- In the "Number of family members, including the primary applicant, that are part of this application" enter 2 if you are sponsoring a partner with no dependents, and enter 2+number_of_dependents if you are also sponsoring any dependents (your or your partner's kids).
Attention! Even though in the form IMM0008 you entered 1 as a number of family members including in the application (or 1 + number_of_dependents), you need to enter 2 when linking an application. I believe this is the most major issue people struggle with. Please make sure you entered 2 (and +1 per dependent if you have any).