Hello Everyone!
I applied spousal PR in July 2019 and they received the application in Aug.
I did medical exam in Nov and they received it too.
I haven’t heard from them since then (almost 10months)
I didn’t have to submit a criminal check since I’ve been in Canada since I was 18.
Does anyone in the same situation? Is immigration gonna call me or what’s the next step? I’m worried that everyone else is getting PR by now.
They received my application late August 2019 and I didn’t hear anything until Feb 2020 when they requested my medical via IRCC message. I got that done and didn’t hear from them again for another 5 months in August when they requested fingerprints and background check. In November they requested further proof of cohabitation because I didn’t know at the time that you should really have documents demonstrating cohabitation for at at least every month you live together at a minimum. Luckily before Covid we had moved across the country and had even more proof in the time since we submitted so I think that was really helpful.
Then they sent me a message at the start of December saying I was eligible for PR and that they needed a medical and fingerprints. It was confusing and I just assumed that their systems were so backed up that I was receiving their messages out of order due to automation or whatever so I just waited to see if they sent anything else in the following weeks- and they did. On New Years Eve I received my letter of acceptance for PR. What a relief.
I was really worried about reaching deadlines for my fingerprints and for the submission of my proof of cohabitation so I called twice and both times the agent on the phone said everything is really busy because of covid and not to worry about submitting the criminal record or proof of cohabitation within the 30 day deadline, because they weren’t going to get to it for a while. They said just send a message requesting an extension and send it ASAP. I am not suggesting this as advice for anyone, I would still strongly suggest trying to get stuff finished by deadlines, I’m just trying to share as much info as possible.
So basically, all my communication was via IRCC message. If you changed your email or phone number lately and didn’t update your info or alert emails are going to your junk folder, you could be missing requests. I would highly recommend checking the message section of the IRCC site directly and often instead of relying on alerts.
Also in the PR acceptance letter, they mention specifically how busy they are and that usually you have to send for your PR card within 30 days but because they don’t know when they’ll be able to send it, you can apply anytime within a year of approval and in the meantime you can use the letter as proof of residency instead of a card.
I hope there was some useful info in there for someone out there and I’ll also say: just hang in there. I can’t count the amount of times I was certain I was going to be rejected or have to start the process all over again and a new wave of worry every time they requested something else. I didn’t know how much the anxiety of waiting and not knowing was getting to me until I read the approval letter when I got home from work and as a grown man burst into tears and sobbed out of relief and joy . It’s tough, especially in these times so I wish everyone the best and keep positive. Just some advice from a permanent resident of Canada.