Hi everyone, I have few concerns again regarding our app as I read through different posts and threads from this forum. Hoping anyone would be of great help, please.
I have 2 kids from my former (and still, actually, coz I haven't filed for annulment/divorce yet! *NON ACCOMPANYING*) husband, both named after him but in my full custody. We no longer have contact with my ex so I continued on with my life...
My 3rd baby is with my current partner(conjugal; *ACCOMPANYING*), who left for Canada in Sept 2015 as a landed immigrant, declared single & no common-law/conjugal partner. Our child was born in Oct 2015. He sent me an "Affidavit of Acknowledgement of Paternity and Use of Last Name" on Nov 2015, but I have already registered our child on Oct 2015 as an illegitimate child and father's section as UNKNOWN.
In my partner's application forms, he declared our child and not my 2 kids. He passed Sponsorship Eligibility so we're kinda assuming everything is ok in his side, but still wondering on my side...
My questions now:
1. Can/should my partner update his family background in our app - acknowledging my 2 other kids? How can we do so?
2. Could this probably result in the delay of our app? I was wondering if we should act now before they even ask for additional documents.
3. I have sent my own 5-page, notarized Affidavit explaining each and every situation there is to ask, from my previous relationship to present, including the illegitimacy of my youngest child... SHOULD THIS BE ENOUGH?
4. How can he declare our child in all his data in Canada??
Thank you in advance for the response.