Hi guys, I just had a few questions regarding the common law sponsorship application:
1. For the principal applicants background form which requires you to write address and work history for the past 5 years:
I wrote down everything as accurately as possible (left no gaps), but since I changed addresses and jobs many times the past 5 years (I was a student most of those years), I'm worried some stuff may be slightly off. I attached a word document right after the background information sheet explaining this. Should I leave that doc there, or am I completely overthinking and should I remove it?
2. Document check list:
on part A question 7, it asks for country specific documents. In our case, the principal applicant is Korean and so we "checked" that section attached the family relation certificate. However, further down in the checklist under question 1 titled "identity documents, travel documents and passports" there is a section that can be checked called "birth certificates or baptismal certificates for yourself". We checked that as well... so our question is.. where does this family relation certificate go when ordering the forms? Under country specific documents or the latter section?
1. For the principal applicants background form which requires you to write address and work history for the past 5 years:
I wrote down everything as accurately as possible (left no gaps), but since I changed addresses and jobs many times the past 5 years (I was a student most of those years), I'm worried some stuff may be slightly off. I attached a word document right after the background information sheet explaining this. Should I leave that doc there, or am I completely overthinking and should I remove it?
2. Document check list:
on part A question 7, it asks for country specific documents. In our case, the principal applicant is Korean and so we "checked" that section attached the family relation certificate. However, further down in the checklist under question 1 titled "identity documents, travel documents and passports" there is a section that can be checked called "birth certificates or baptismal certificates for yourself". We checked that as well... so our question is.. where does this family relation certificate go when ordering the forms? Under country specific documents or the latter section?