Don't have to take it personally. Just a suggestion.I find it a bit odd that out of everybody else who asked you for the WhatsApp grp, you decided to respond to me in particular with an earlier post by someone else? So I must assume you have shared it directly with everybody else but me. Unfortunately for me, posting in spreadsheet is what I find hard and strenuous. I guess different strokes, right! Anyways, you are not under compulsion to share the WhatsApp link. The most I can do is below:
App date: Apr 9
Office: Edmonton
Family of 4
AOR: May 10
BG Complete: June 20
Test Request: June 25
Test Date: July 15
Test Complete: July 26
Language: in progress
Prohibition: in progress
Physical presence: in progress
No one can compel what you can or cannot do, just saying for everyone's benefit. The smaller the pool the quality of info is not going to be great, that's all we're saying. If there are many whatsapp groups, all the whatsapp groups as well as this forum will all eventually suffer from low quality data especially at a time when IRCC is starting to move applications between offices.
Also when someone asks a question and someone else writes an asnwer it almost always comes from reading and recalling a third member's experience, that chain will be broken if we splinter this into different groups, that's all. It's not aimed at you or anything like that.