Hi Momo, thanks for sharing. I hope they will process it faster too. Is there a 2016 Dare Salam thread? If so, please send me the linkmomo2016 said:Come and join us in the Dar Salam thread. It's pretty much the same VO but in different locations. I'm sponsoring my wife from Somaliland and I had put Nairobi as our VO. But i found out after my SA, her file was transferred to Dar Salam. No clue why... Apparently Nairobi VO is busy and they are sending the overflow to Dar Salam VO. The good news for us the DAR applicants is that our VO doesn't have many applications, and the good news for you the NAI applicants is that NAI is getting rid of the overflow by sending them to our VO in DAR. So hopefully our applications will be processed faster.
You should have some good news soon! I wish you all the best with your application!