For CEC, I'd believe there are only a few reasons as to why your application could be rejected.
1. The VO is not satisfied that you performed the duties mentioned in your chosen NOC.
2. You have gained some of your work experience when you were a full time student.
3. You do not have the required experience for CEC.
4. If you have gained your work experience in one of the ineligible occupations.
5. Work experience gained on unauthorized permits.
6. Criminal/medical inadmissibility.
These are some of the few reasons I can think of.
An application can be found ineligible to be processed if it doesn't meet MI or if it is incomplete. If you meet all the criteria for CEC, chances of a rejection is quite slim.
Anna2013 said:
Does anyone in this forum know what is the rate of rejection in CEC category? Do many get refused and what are the main reasons for refusal? ... Thanks.