Honestly I am a May applicant as well...yes it is hard to see others after us getting approved but sooner or later we will alll be approved and sooner or later we will all go through step 2 and the end result we will alllllllllll be with our spouses... some sooner than others.. i get upset too i loose my patience and i may complain about cic taking time or i may post saying come on cic work faster or something but I agree we are all a huge family here we should be happy for each other and pray for the best and keep positive.... i feel like the more u think and the more u become negative... so we should all be POSITIVE

BCgirl2012 I was shocked to see your approval and honestly that brought sooooooooooooooooooooo much hope for us.. seeing a May applicant approved so fast made me think of more positive things

I know i am happy for everyone...maybe deep down i am sad that i still havent gotten anything but you know what? i willlll very soon

and about the negatives i have gotten one too :-s not sure why.. but its ok..

good luck to you on stage 2 i will be joining u there sooooooon
btw i have an 11.5 hour difference too ... not easy but we are both keeping busy and working and trying to maintain our lives..

where is ur husband if u dont mind me asking??
good luck to allllllll April applicants...we need to see more this week!! come one guys be POSITIVE

and CIC will be working harder than ever!!! we need alllll April and May applicants to be happy within the next 2 weeks
good luck all