As I was sitting on the comp dealing with my emails, the CIC message popped up so innocently that I could not register what I'm seeing for a second... but then it hit me and I screamed so suddenly my dog freaked out and ran out of the room whimping... lol, poor beast
They asked for a scan of the US passport and the Certificat de Selection de Quebec. I attached and emailed them back so fast that the agent replied (also immediately) saying "That is all we need for now, thank you. And impressive response time by the way." ROFL ...... They have made overachievers out of us 8) Should I expect an employment offer from them soon? hahahaha
But it was so cool though, emailing back and forth directly with the man behind the curtain (This is the guy who is deciding my fate. I know his agent number from my previously requested report). It almost felt like we're buddies and everything is good with the world.
Now for another few weeks of waiting.... I'm actually going to start job hunting to get ahead of the game. I still can't believe it...
BTW, does anyone know if there is an office in the city of Montreal that serves as a "point of entry" or do I absolutely have to go out of Canada and re-enter again (once I get the COPR)?