Hi to all,
I join this part of the forum, because our package was send late march and received at, I believe, april 1st 2011...
We apply through Berlin for PR in Quebec and I hope they all will be quick because I miss my Canadian wife; living in the Netherlands I have to do business with the VO in Berlin,the capital of Germany, where a possible interview also might take place, if they want to, which is a thousand kilometers from home in the Netherlands....
A quick summary, of our 'love-case'; only for those interested ofcourse, lol:
we met on a 2-week-holiday in juli 2010, in the Caribbean, Dominican Republic
spent 2 hot evenings/nights together, then she had to go home, I staid 1 week more.
it was love on 1st sight..... soulmates...meant to be.....butterflies everywhere.....you know??
we started mailing, calling, sms-texting, etc, instantly when she was back home in Quebec (Montreal).
I went to Canada in oktober, for a bit more than a week...it was perfect!
went home and daily contact through email, sms, phone, continues, ..... and continues....and....
I go visit my princess again in december, we spend time in Montreal and we went to Cuba together too, for a week.
We spend more than 2 perfect weeks together and planned our wedding.
The end of februari I went there, to Montreal again, to marry her, and also do medical in the beginning of march.
We had a small wedding with a perfect diner and little party with some friends and family.
We spend 3 weeks together, including a one-week-honeymoon

again to Cuba (another area).
And then we completed the immigration-application with all requested forms and certificates and many pictures/emails/boardingpasses/visa-scans/etc... to be together forever and make every day of the rest of our time on this planet a paradise of love and happiness.
That would be perfect.... I can't wait for that to happen....
I am sooooooooo excited now, I wish I could press the time-fast-forward-button and skip the next half year, then quit my job and be gone....and stay gone...