I want to apply for PR through the common-law route and just have a question about this situation below--if it will raise any red flags (in theory it shouldn't but i just want to make sure before we apply)
Situation: I arrived in Canada around May 1st and was living with my boyfriend right when i got here. We had lived together in my home country (Argentina) from Dec until then. However, when I applied for the visa extension here in Canada in the summer I said that we had only been living together for 2 months--which meant just 2 months in Canada at the time.
Would this raise any red flags if we are going to apply for the common-law PR right now? I don't want immigration to think that we are trying to lie or anything.
In addition, I mentioned in the visa extension process the following: I came here to original visit a friend whom I am now dating and living with.
This wasn't really true because we were seeing each other since Dec and actually living together since then as well. So will this be a problem at all when we go to apply? Could they say that even though we lived together prior to my arrival here that we were just friends? Because in theory, we were going steady and in a sexual relationship living together under the same household.
Thanks for the help guys
EDIT: Here is the part of the visa extension I am talking about specifically
What are the reasons for your request?
I came here to original visit a friend whom I am now dating and living with. We original met in Paris
when we were both backpacking through Europe. He came to visit me in December 2010 in Argentina
and then his family and him invited me to come up and visit them in Canada. I went to Saskatchewan
(where he is from) and was there with him for a week or so. At which point, we came to Toronto
because he had got a job here. We have been living together for the past 2 months and we are
anticipating that we will want to continue to explore the relationship possibilities once my tourist visa
comes to expire. So, we are requesting a visa extension so we can explore the relationship between
Situation: I arrived in Canada around May 1st and was living with my boyfriend right when i got here. We had lived together in my home country (Argentina) from Dec until then. However, when I applied for the visa extension here in Canada in the summer I said that we had only been living together for 2 months--which meant just 2 months in Canada at the time.
Would this raise any red flags if we are going to apply for the common-law PR right now? I don't want immigration to think that we are trying to lie or anything.
In addition, I mentioned in the visa extension process the following: I came here to original visit a friend whom I am now dating and living with.
This wasn't really true because we were seeing each other since Dec and actually living together since then as well. So will this be a problem at all when we go to apply? Could they say that even though we lived together prior to my arrival here that we were just friends? Because in theory, we were going steady and in a sexual relationship living together under the same household.
Thanks for the help guys
EDIT: Here is the part of the visa extension I am talking about specifically
What are the reasons for your request?
I came here to original visit a friend whom I am now dating and living with. We original met in Paris
when we were both backpacking through Europe. He came to visit me in December 2010 in Argentina
and then his family and him invited me to come up and visit them in Canada. I went to Saskatchewan
(where he is from) and was there with him for a week or so. At which point, we came to Toronto
because he had got a job here. We have been living together for the past 2 months and we are
anticipating that we will want to continue to explore the relationship possibilities once my tourist visa
comes to expire. So, we are requesting a visa extension so we can explore the relationship between