hehe Magdy

thx a lot for your sweet congratulations. I am definetly having great mind relief after major & minor concerns. It has been a long process for my heart though short in terms of CIC rules

At least now is time to relocate efforts for a better future. I have no idea yet where to land despite the fact I am totally thinking about toronto for some reasons. But wait ... my place of landing is not necessarily the same where I would live. Its quite confusing when you have more than a good option to go for and thats the benefit of chosing canada

here we go
I wont be landing before october I guess so many of you will be preceeding me isA

However with the costs of living, I cant still give my input. This is because I have been staying in toronto from november 2010 till almost mid march 2011. So renting a basement apartment in toronto is something between 700 $ to double that amount even triple. Let us say average 800 to 1200 in a decent area not far from the subway. It differs from one location to another and the lenght of stay could play a role in better rates. With regards to food budget, it is all about how are you going to eat. Home or outdoors ? For say, home expenses for food for a single person is in average 250 $ to 300 $. Transport in toronto will be based on using the ttc ( Toronto Transit Commission ) where you can use with a single monthly membership the buses, the subway and the street car for around 120 $ as far as I remmember. 3 dollars a token for an adult. You can find more about that through this link http://www3.ttc.ca/ . Finaly coming to phone lines, its a major thing to explore before choosing any. This is because of the fact that you pay for incoming and outgoing calls to the contrary of the system in egypt. By the way, if you didnt have a good phone plan while following up how many calls you do or how long and at what time of the day you are calling/receiving, you may end up paying a huge monthly bill. This is from my expierence with toronto lately

Best of luck for all forum colleagues