carielilviztie said:
someone please enlighten me about the definition of PER...thanks,,
PER isn't really an official term, just something we've been throwing around the thread

It stands for Positive Eligibility Review.
I guess it should really be Confirmation of Positive Final Eligibility Review but PER sounded a bit more catchy

Basically it means you have passed the completeness check and a full eligibility review which means they have assessed all your work experience, references and education against the ministerial instructions and are satisfied that you have enough experience in the 29 job descriptions for FSW1 (for FSW2 they just check the TWP/LMO or AEO I think to confirm it satisfies the ministerial instructions).
Because the FINAL eligibility review has been done we give it a different name to AOR (Acknowledgement Of Receipt) which pre-June-26 applicants got from CIO, since they only had an initial eligibility review and the final review was done at the visa office once they sent all their supporting documents.
So once you have PER your file is transferred to your visa office who will do security and background checks, and also employment verification if they believe it is necessary, before requesting you to do medicals.