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Applications after 26/6 in any NOC CONNECT HERE TO GET THE STATUS


Champion Member
Apr 16, 2010
Visa Office......
New Delhi
NOC Code......
2151 - Architects
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
16th Oct 2010 BD Encashed...: 25th Oct 2010 PER Received..: 10th Feb 2011
File Transfer...
3rd March 2011 AOR Received.: 11th March 2011
Med's Request
31st March 2011 PCC Request..: 31st March 2011 RPRF Request: 31st March 2011
Passport Req..
31st March 2011 Med's Done....: 6th April 2011 Passports sent: 7th May 2011 RPRF/PCC sent: 7th May 2011 RPRF En-Cashed :17th May 2011
27th May 2011
10th Sep 2011
Cam1234 said:
+1 from me, thanks for the info Mayank :)
What are the significant changes in the new version?


Indira Prabhakaran.


Star Member
Jul 6, 2010
Job Offer........
Hello Indira,
Thanks a bunch for your inputs.
Thanks for the detailed answers.. :) :)



Star Member
Jul 6, 2010
Job Offer........
Hello wayne,

I saw your message. Thank you . You,Indira, Anil are indeed my "HERO members" & I will always remember your help..


Cappuccino said:
Hi Midoo,

I don't think it's fair of you to say we don't care about your situation. We care and want to support you as much as we can. It's just that any other member contacting CIC by email or by phone has simply been told "your application is being reviewed", so it seems very much the case that there really isn't anything which can be done until the email arrives, good or bad.

Can you think of anything to do with your case which may have delayed things? Have you held any government positions, or had extensive worldwide travel etc?

I really do wish you and Robin and Zint and the others the very best of luck and I hope that you do get your PER, but regrettably there isn't much that can be done until the email arrives :(



indira_prab said:
What are the significant changes in the new version?


Indira Prabhakaran.
Hi Indira:

Well, like all other instruction guides by CIC, it is confusing ??? I don't have time right now to go through it in detail, but I have skimmed the contents... Looks like there is good info on how they will process the applications, and from what I have seen, most of the work is done at CIO... even after the final eligibility is done... which is confusing because they are sending PER emails, telling people your application is being forwarded to VO ::)

Wayne, are you out there? Take a look at the new OP6 will you, so we can discuss it... thanks.



Hero Member
Nov 17, 2010
Visa Office......
Damascus/Transferred to Warsaw on 30/03/2011
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
Doc's Request.
Submitted with application/PCC included
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Submitted with application
File Transfer...
Med's Request
Med's Done....
Passport Req..
indira_prab said:
What are the significant changes in the new version?


Indira Pra bhakaran.

Hi Indira

Hope you are fine. Don't know exactly where, but I read on this thread few days ago that CIO is now working on mid october applications. On what base do you think they are working on mid Oct. or so? It is very important to me because of the problem I have. You know my app. sent on Dec. 1st has been lost on the way to CIO ,somewhere between Toronto nad Sydney.


Champion Member
Apr 16, 2010
Visa Office......
New Delhi
NOC Code......
2151 - Architects
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
16th Oct 2010 BD Encashed...: 25th Oct 2010 PER Received..: 10th Feb 2011
File Transfer...
3rd March 2011 AOR Received.: 11th March 2011
Med's Request
31st March 2011 PCC Request..: 31st March 2011 RPRF Request: 31st March 2011
Passport Req..
31st March 2011 Med's Done....: 6th April 2011 Passports sent: 7th May 2011 RPRF/PCC sent: 7th May 2011 RPRF En-Cashed :17th May 2011
27th May 2011
10th Sep 2011
Cam1234 said:
Hi Indira:

Well, like all other instruction guides by CIC, it is confusing ??? I don't have time right now to go through it in detail, but I have skimmed the contents... Looks like there is good info on how they will process the applications, and from what I have seen, most of the work is done at CIO... even after the final eligibility is done... which is confusing because they are sending PER emails, telling people your application is being forwarded to VO ::)

Wayne, are you out there? Take a look at the new OP6 will you, so we can discuss it... thanks.

I did go through the new version and here are the my observations;

The CIO does 4 different stages of processing for applications received on or after June 26 2010.

1. The completeness check, which leads to the payment en cashment.

2. Check if the applications correspond to the MI - NOC and job descriptions(Keeping in mind the CAP as well)

3. Check if the applications correspond to the minimal requirements of FSW - here they only check the work experience as to if it occurs in an appropriate NOC and within last 10 years, and that the applicant performed substantial duties etc.,.

4. Assess the applications against the FSW selection criteria. Here they assess and award points based on 6 selection factors and the Proof of funds.

If the application passes through ALL the above 4 stages, then the CIO officer will 'forward the entire application to the visa office identified by the applicant on the IMM 0008 for a selection decision',

Applications can be rejected/refused at any of the above 4 stages and the CIO will intimate the applicants on this if their application failed and they are returning the application.

If the application failed at the 4th stage, The CIO officer will refuse the application (negative selection decision); record outcome and reasons; and send a letter to inform the applicant (see Appendix C for sample letter).

Note: The CIO can only make negative selection decision and not a positive one. So, if the application passes through the 4th stage, the application will be forwarded to the VO, and The visa officer will review the application and case analysis provided by the CIO and make the selection decision.

The VO part is not that clear and hence we have to assume it remains the same.

1. Once they receive the file, they will start the BC on the applications, and request for the PCCs if they were not submitted already.

2. Issue medical and RPRF requests, while they do the security checks

2. Issue the Visas :)

Long story short, they have made it clear what CIO does and what is left for the VO.

Man! they are keeping good time and 4 months is completely acceptable for all the 4 stages @ the CIO.

Also, for those lucky ones with the PERs, you have all passed through the most difficult stages already and cheer up! It's just the background, medical and security checks remaining :)


Indira Prabhakaran.


Full Member
Oct 17, 2010
Visa Office......
New Delhi
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
IELTS Request
Sent with app (Band score 8.)
indira_prab said:
I did go through the new version and here are the my observations;

The CIO does 4 different stages of processing for applications received on or after June 26 2010.

1. The completeness check, which leads to the payment en cashment.

2. Check if the applications correspond to the MI - NOC and job descriptions(Keeping in mind the CAP as well)

3. Check if the applications correspond to the minimal requirements of FSW - here they only check the work experience as to if it occurs in an appropriate NOC and within last 10 years, and that the applicant performed substantial duties etc.,.

4. Assess the applications against the FSW selection criteria. Here they assess and award points based on 6 selection factors and the Proof of funds.

If the application passes through ALL the above 4 stages, then the CIO officer will 'forward the entire application to the visa office identified by the applicant on the IMM 0008 for a selection decision',

Applications can be rejected/refused at any of the above 4 stages and the CIO will intimate the applicants on this if their application failed and they are returning the application.

If the application failed at the 4th stage, The CIO officer will refuse the application (negative selection decision); record outcome and reasons; and send a letter to inform the applicant (see Appendix C for sample letter).

Note: The CIO can only make negative selection decision and not a positive one. So, if the application passes through the 4th stage, the application will be forwarded to the VO, and The visa officer will review the application and case analysis provided by the CIO and make the selection decision.

The VO part is not that clear and hence we have to assume it remains the same.

1. Once they receive the file, they will start the BC on the applications, and request for the PCCs if they were not submitted already.

2. Issue medical and RPRF requests, while they do the security checks

2. Issue the Visas :)

Long story short, they have made it clear what CIO does and what is left for the VO.

Man! they are keeping good time and 4 months is completely acceptable for all the 4 stages @ the CIO.

Also, for those lucky ones with the PERs, you have all passed through the most difficult stages already and cheer up! It's just the background, medical and security checks remaining :)


Indira Prabhakaran.


Long story short indeed !! Appreciated ;) ;D


Champion Member
Apr 16, 2010
Visa Office......
New Delhi
NOC Code......
2151 - Architects
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
16th Oct 2010 BD Encashed...: 25th Oct 2010 PER Received..: 10th Feb 2011
File Transfer...
3rd March 2011 AOR Received.: 11th March 2011
Med's Request
31st March 2011 PCC Request..: 31st March 2011 RPRF Request: 31st March 2011
Passport Req..
31st March 2011 Med's Done....: 6th April 2011 Passports sent: 7th May 2011 RPRF/PCC sent: 7th May 2011 RPRF En-Cashed :17th May 2011
27th May 2011
10th Sep 2011
katyspring said:
Hi Indira

Hope you are fine. Don't know exactly where, but I read on this thread few days ago that CIO is now working on mid october applications. On what base do you think they are working on mid Oct. or so? It is very important to me because of the problem I have. You know my app. sent on Dec. 1st has been lost on the way to CIO ,somewhere between Toronto nad Sydney.
Hi Katy,

I feel so sorry for you :(:(:(. I can relate to you as i was in a very pathetic situation too while trying to launch the application. One after another some thing comes up to delay the launch, or even worse if i could gather All the papers or not! But things do happen when time comes and believe me what ever happens, happens for a reason and for good :) For example, we were thinking of applying for this PR LONG back in 2006. But we were not able to do that in-spite of trying more than a couple of times. That time, i was like so upset and even thought we will never make it to Canada. But time came and i'm glad we are applying now, as we will get the result within a year. Had we applied in 2006, we would have waited for ever to even know if we are in the queue. Sorry if this din't relate to you :(.

I read in this forum via people who called up CIO to ask for their application status, they were all told they had started to work on the Oct applications and that was around a fortnight back i guess. That's the basis i said they are working on Oct applications.

Please don't give up, try to contact the courier again and again about the status of the package. What is the latest on it?


Indira Prabhakaran.


Full Member
Dec 6, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
IELTS Request
Sent with App
Quick question please ...

When CIO returns an application, do they tell you all the mistakes or reason why your app was returned?



Champion Member
Apr 16, 2010
Visa Office......
New Delhi
NOC Code......
2151 - Architects
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
16th Oct 2010 BD Encashed...: 25th Oct 2010 PER Received..: 10th Feb 2011
File Transfer...
3rd March 2011 AOR Received.: 11th March 2011
Med's Request
31st March 2011 PCC Request..: 31st March 2011 RPRF Request: 31st March 2011
Passport Req..
31st March 2011 Med's Done....: 6th April 2011 Passports sent: 7th May 2011 RPRF/PCC sent: 7th May 2011 RPRF En-Cashed :17th May 2011
27th May 2011
10th Sep 2011
kuwabunsi said:
Quick question please ...

When CIO returns an application, do they tell you all the mistakes or reason why your app was returned?

Yes, they are required to indicate the reasons for the return of the application.


Indira Prabhakaran.


indira_prab said:
I did go through the new version and here are the my observations;

The CIO does 4 different stages of processing for applications received on or after June 26 2010.

1. The completeness check, which leads to the payment en cashment.

2. Check if the applications correspond to the MI - NOC and job descriptions(Keeping in mind the CAP as well)

3. Check if the applications correspond to the minimal requirements of FSW - here they only check the work experience as to if it occurs in an appropriate NOC and within last 10 years, and that the applicant performed substantial duties etc.,.

4. Assess the applications against the FSW selection criteria. Here they assess and award points based on 6 selection factors and the Proof of funds.

If the application passes through ALL the above 4 stages, then the CIO officer will 'forward the entire application to the visa office identified by the applicant on the IMM 0008 for a selection decision',

Applications can be rejected/refused at any of the above 4 stages and the CIO will intimate the applicants on this if their application failed and they are returning the application.

If the application failed at the 4th stage, The CIO officer will refuse the application (negative selection decision); record outcome and reasons; and send a letter to inform the applicant (see Appendix C for sample letter).

Note: The CIO can only make negative selection decision and not a positive one. So, if the application passes through the 4th stage, the application will be forwarded to the VO, and The visa officer will review the application and case analysis provided by the CIO and make the selection decision.

The VO part is not that clear and hence we have to assume it remains the same.

1. Once they receive the file, they will start the BC on the applications, and request for the PCCs if they were not submitted already.

2. Issue medical and RPRF requests, while they do the security checks

2. Issue the Visas :)

Long story short, they have made it clear what CIO does and what is left for the VO.

Man! they are keeping good time and 4 months is completely acceptable for all the 4 stages @ the CIO.

Also, for those lucky ones with the PERs, you have all passed through the most difficult stages already and cheer up! It's just the background, medical and security checks remaining :)


Indira Prabhakaran.
Thank you Indira for your analysis. I thought CIO would send the PER email, then do Stage 4, and then submit application to VO. But your explanation takes my confusion away. I will look at everything later today, will be taking the kids Christmas Caroling this evening and have to prepare for it...

One last unknown ???. If the VO officer goes over the application and makes a "Selection" decision, would they go back and examine the work experience once again, and contact/verify references? ::)

Thanks again,


Hero Member
Jul 25, 2010
Job Offer........
Thanks Indira, that was really great.

I was skimming through it as well and for the most part (other than what you have mentioned) things seem to be the same. They have mentioned the 20000 cap quite clearly as well which makes me wonder what the caps are going to be like next year. I read on the CIC news page that they wanted to maintain 240000-250000 applications a year. I think June/July 2011 are going to be very interesting as well. I just hope that ALL of us get thorough most of the process by then and are collecting our visas.


Champion Member
Apr 16, 2010
Visa Office......
New Delhi
NOC Code......
2151 - Architects
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
16th Oct 2010 BD Encashed...: 25th Oct 2010 PER Received..: 10th Feb 2011
File Transfer...
3rd March 2011 AOR Received.: 11th March 2011
Med's Request
31st March 2011 PCC Request..: 31st March 2011 RPRF Request: 31st March 2011
Passport Req..
31st March 2011 Med's Done....: 6th April 2011 Passports sent: 7th May 2011 RPRF/PCC sent: 7th May 2011 RPRF En-Cashed :17th May 2011
27th May 2011
10th Sep 2011
Cam1234 said:
Thank you Indira for your analysis. I thought CIO would send the PER email, then do Stage 4, and then submit application to VO. But your explanation takes my confusion away. I will look at everything later today, will be taking the kids Christmas Caroling this evening and have to prepare for it...

One last unknown ???. If the VO officer goes over the application and makes a "Selection" decision, would they go back and examine the work experience once again, and contact/verify references? ::)

Thanks again,
When they are supposed to review the application and do the Background Check on the documentation, they can very well get into any detail of the application again and they can use the substituted evaluation. Previously, they were able to use both positive and negative SE, but as the CIO will reject the applications if they do not meet the pass mark, i guess they will nto even make it to VO for a positive SE.


Star Member
Oct 11, 2010
Visa Office......
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
AOR Received.
PER received April 18th
IELTS Request
Included with app
indira_prab said:
I did go through the new version and here are the my observations;

Also, for those lucky ones with the PERs, you have all passed through the most difficult stages already and cheer up! It's just the background, medical and security checks remaining :)


Indira Prabhakaran.
Dear Indira
Thanks for your effort.Well done job.+1 for u
Hope all of us get PERs soon.


Champion Member
Apr 16, 2010
Visa Office......
New Delhi
NOC Code......
2151 - Architects
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
16th Oct 2010 BD Encashed...: 25th Oct 2010 PER Received..: 10th Feb 2011
File Transfer...
3rd March 2011 AOR Received.: 11th March 2011
Med's Request
31st March 2011 PCC Request..: 31st March 2011 RPRF Request: 31st March 2011
Passport Req..
31st March 2011 Med's Done....: 6th April 2011 Passports sent: 7th May 2011 RPRF/PCC sent: 7th May 2011 RPRF En-Cashed :17th May 2011
27th May 2011
10th Sep 2011
wenstumped said:
Thanks Indira, that was really great.

I was skimming through it as well and for the most part (other than what you have mentioned) things seem to be the same. They have mentioned the 20000 cap quite clearly as well which makes me wonder what the caps are going to be like next year. I read on the CIC news page that they wanted to maintain 240000-250000 applications a year. I think June/July 2011 are going to be very interesting as well. I just hope that ALL of us get thorough most of the process by then and are collecting our visas.
Yes, and i pray all these good souls in this forum, get through and actually become successful in Canada. June/July 2011 is definitely going to be interesting as i expect most of us to get the MAPLE LEAVES by then :D :D :D :D We all will have different topics to discuss by then ;)


Indira Prabhakaran.